[Quantum Technology] Year Started : 2017

Takao Aoki

Development of ultralow-loss nanofiber-cavity QED systems for scalable optical quantum computation

Research Director
Takao Aoki

Faculty of Science and Engineering
Waseda University

Rina Kanamoto Pofessor
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Meiji University

We develop ultralow-loss nanofiber cavities that enables physical implementation of scalable quantum computation (fault-tolerant quantum computation) using photons, realize elementary technologies for optical quantum computation using nanofiber cavity QED systems, and theoretically optimize the architecture of the fault-tolerant optical quantum computation.

Fumihiko Kannari

Programmable large-scale quantum simulator using wavelength-division multiplexed optical modes

Research Director
Fumihiko Kannari

Faculty of Science and Technology
Keio University

Masahiro Takeoka Professor
Faculty of Science and Technology
Keio University

A broad spectrum of femtosecond laser pulses can be considered as independently programmable massive frequency resources, where we can generate quantum correlation among the squeezed frequency modes over the wide spectral band using a classical pulse shaping technique. We achieve arbitrary quantum interference among the frequency modes in multi-step sum frequency generation and measure the photon number. This novel optical scheme based on time-frequency conversion can realize a programmable and compact large-scale quantum simulator.

Hideo Kosaka

Diamond quantum security

Research Director
Hideo Kosaka

Graduate School of Engineering
Yokohama National University

Hiromitsu Kato Chief Senior Researcher
Advanced Power Electronics Research Center
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Tokuyuki Teraji Chief Researcher
Research Center for Functional Materials
National Institute for Materials Science

The targets of our research is to extend and multiply quantum communications via quantum repeaters and achieve high functionality via quantum authentication. We demonstrate heralded quantum teleportation transfer from a photon to a nuclear spin, fault-tolerant holonomic quantum gate with an electron and a nuclear spin, single-shot measurement of quantum entanglement between nuclear spins, and quantum authentication of carbon-isotope configuration via mechanical learning based on spontaneous entangled emission and absorption of a photon with an electron, toward the realization of quantum security.

Shiro Saito

Quantum sensing using superconducting flux qubits

Research Director
Shiro Saito

Senior Distinguished Researcher/Group Leader
NTT Basic Research Laboratories
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

Yukinori Ono Professor
Research Institute of Electronics
Shizuoka University
Yasushi Kondo Professor
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Kindai University

Quantum sensing has recently attracted significant attention as a new application of quantum state control technologies. Here we will utilize superconducting flux qubits, known for their excellent controllability and scalability properties, as a high resolution quantum sensor. First, we plan to achieve electron spin resonance spectroscopy, with single spin sensitivity, by elongating the coherence time of the qubit. We will then realize high-sensitivity high-resolution quantum sensing of magnetic fields beyond the classical limit using superconducting flux qubits and hybrid devices with spin ensembles.

Kouichi Semba

Creation and control of superconducting quantum meta-materials

Research Director
Kouichi Semba

Exective Researcher
Advanced ICT Research Institute
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

Kazuki Koshino Associate professor
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Tokyo Medical and Dental University

This project aims at coherent control of superconducting quantum meta-material, the hybrid quantum system including generalized artificial molecules, the fast generation of non-classical microwave state and the in-situ control of quantum many body ground state. These quantum technologies are expected to be applicable to quantum metrology and quantum simulation. Particularly, it is important of better understanding unexplored physics of recently discovered deep strong coupling regime and making hybrid with new devices such as excellent coherence superconducting resonators and the Josephson pi-junctions.

Utako Tanaka

On-chip ion traps for integrated quantum systems

Research Director
Utako Tanaka

Associate Professor
Graduate School of Engineering Science
Osaka University

Norihiko Sekine Director
Terahertz Technology Research Center
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Kazuhiro Hayasaka Associate Director
Advanced ICT Research Institute
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

Ion trapping is a technique that storages atomic ions in a vacuum system for a long period, which enables precise quantum-state manipulation. This research aims to integrate quantum systems by introducing microfabrication techniques to the ion trap electrodes. We will develop an optical clock based on such on-chip ion traps, which will contribute to the improvement of optical communications and precise measurements. We will also generate a variety of configurations of ions which is realized only by the on-chip ion traps, and aim to create novel systems such as superradiant lasers.

Masaaki Tanaka

Ferromagnetic quantum heterostructures: Creation of functional properties and spintronics device applications

Research Director
Masaaki Tanaka

Graduate School of Engineering
The University of Tokyo

Nam Hai Pham Associate Professor
School of Engineering
Tokyo Institute of Technology

We aim to create materials and devices with functions of non-volatility, low-power consumption, reconfigurability, flexible information processing, and/or non-reciprocality. We introduce magnetic elements and ferromagnetic materials into semiconductor materials, their quantum heterostructure/nanostructures, and device structures, control their quantum size effects, tunnel effects, charge/spin transport, and spin states, design and fabricate new functional materials and low-power spin devices.

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