[Intelligent Measurement Analysis] Year Started : 2017

Masato Okada

Integration of measurement technologies and informatics based on Bayesian inference and sparse modeling

Research Director
Masato Okada

Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
The University of Tokyo

Tatsu Kuwatani Group Leader
Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
Hiromichi Nagao Associate Professor
Earthquake Research Institute
The University of Tokyo
Norio Narita Professor
Graduate School of Arts and Science
The University of Tokyo
Hideitsu Hino Professor
The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Research Organization of Information and Systems

The mission of our team is to establish the framework of Bayesian measurement that implements Bayesian inference on measurement science. Bayesian measurement is capable of quantitatively evaluating limitations of measurements or integrating heterogeneous data acquired by different types of measurements. We will ultimately construct the foundation of mathematical information science, which enables us to uncover signals buried in noises due to low signal-to-noise ratio, to extract physical quantities that are directly unobservable, to efficiently utilize machine time of big research facilities, and to greatly impact on cutting-edge measurement technologies at the world’s best standards.

Shoji Takada

Development of Biomolecular 4-dimensional Structure Analysis Methods by Data Assimilation of High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy Single Molecule Measurements

Research Director
Shoji Takada

Graduate School of Science
Kyoto University

Noriyuki Kodera Professor
Nano Life Science Institute
Kanazawa University
Hidehito Tochio Professor
Graduate School of Science
Kyoto University
Sotaro Fuchigami Assistant Professor
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Shizuoka
Yasuhiro Matsunaga Associate Professor
Information Technology Center
Saitama University

High-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM) was developed in Japan and is the only technology which can measure structural-dynamics (4-dimensional structure) of single protein and DNA molecules. To obtain high-resolution information from medium-resolution HS-AFM measurements, it is crucial to integrate it with information technology. This study develops new generation biomolecular 4-dimensional structure analysis methods by data assimilation from HS-AFM measurements and contributes to basic biology towards drug discovery.

Naoshi Hirata

Intelligent seismic data processing based on integration of next-generation seismic observations and the forefront of Bayesian statistics

Research Director
Naoshi Hirata

Project Researcher
Earthquake Research Institute
The University of Tokyo

Fumiyasu Komaki Professor
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
The University of Tokyo
Taku Nonomura Associate Professor
Graduate School of Engineering
Tohoku University

In our country, more than 1,000 seismic stations have been continuously acquiring high-resolution digital seismic data. A large amount of instrumentally measured vibration data, which can be so-called big-data, will be available in near future. The data consist of both the conventional high quality seismic data by well-calibrated seismometers and many kinds of new vibration data measured by accelerometers based on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), which are installed in such as infrastructures, lifelines and smartphones. The aim of this project is to develop, collaborating with the forefront of Bayesian statistics, a set of algorithms that enable us to comprehensively analyze the seismic data obtained by sensors of various types, which eventually contributes to prevention/mitigation of seismic disasters and clarification of earthquake phenomena.

Yasuhiro Mukaigawa

Joint Design of Encoding and Decoding for Plenoptic imaging

Research Director
Yasuhiro Mukaigawa

Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology
Nara Institute of Science and Technology

Hiroyuki Kubo Associate Professor
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Chiba University
Kenichiro Tanaka Associate Professor
College of Information Science and Engineering
Ritsumeikan University
Yasuyuki Matsushita Professor
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Osaka University

Light rays in a scene convey high-dimensional visual information, which is a function of position, direction, wavelength, and time. A conventional camera can only record a slice of the high-dimensional visual information while discarding the vast majority of the rest, in which rich information about the scene is present. In this project, we develop new computational imaging techniques that enable us to record high-dimensional visual information. Our approach is based on jointly designing the encoding and decoding architectures based on new optical and electronic sensor design and advanced sparse representation theory and algorithms.

Wataru Yashiro

Development of Millisecond X-ray Tomography with Super Compressed Sensing

Research Director
Wataru Yashiro

International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart
Tohoku University

Tadashi Abukawa Professor
International Center for Synchrotron Radiation Innovation Smart
Tohoku University
Hiroki Ogawa Associate Professor
Institute for Chemical Research
Kyoto University
Hotaka Takizawa Professor
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
University of Tsukuba

The purpose of our research is to develop “super compressed sensing”, which will make it possible to realize tomographic reconstruction from a small number of incomplete projection images, and realize millisecond-temporal-resolution four-dimensional X-ray tomography with a spatial resolution of 10 μm. We will realize the four-dimensional X-ray tomography using an X-ray grating interferometry and a synchrotron radiation beam, and apply it to unveiling the mechanisms of unrepeatable non-equilibrium phenomena observed in various fields of material and life sciences, leading to developing their frontiers and fostering innovations in industries.

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