- Suzuki K., Matsunaga E., Yamada H., Kobayashi T., & Okanoya K.:"Complex song development and stress hormone levels in the Bengalese finch.", Avian Biology Research, 7(1),10-17(8).(2014)
- Yamashita I., Katahira K., Igarashi Y., Okanoya K. & Okada M.:"Recurrent network for multisensory integration-identification of common sources of audiovisual stimuli.",Front. Comput. Neurosci. 7:101.(2013)
- Katahira, K., Suzuki, K., Kagawa, H., & Okanoya, K.:"A simple explanation for the evolution of complex song syntax in Bengalesefinches.", Biology Letters 9(6).20130842 (2013)
- Kamiyama, K., Abla, D., Iwanaga, K., & Okanoya, K.:"Interaction between musical emotion and facial expression as measured by event-related potentials.", Neuropsychologia, 51, 500-505.(2013).
- Kashihara, K., Okanoya, K., & Kawai, N.:"Emotional attention modulates microsaccadic rate and direction.", Psychological Research, 1-14.(2013)
- Seki Y., Hessler N., Xie K. and Okanoya K.:"Food rewards modulate the activity of song neurons in Bengalese finches.", European Journal of Neuroscience. 12457.(2013)
- Matsuda Y., Fujimura T., Katahira K., Okada M., Ueno K., Cheng K. and Okanoya K.:"The implicit processing of categorical and dimensional strategies: an fMRI study of facial emotion perception.", Front. Hum. Neurosci. 7:551.(2013)
- Suzuki K., Ikebuchi M., & Okanoya K.:"The impact of domestication on fearfulness: A comparison of tonic immobility reactions in wild and domesticated finches.", Behavioural Processes 100,58–63.(2013)
- Kawai N., Miyata H., Nishimura R., & Okanoya K.:"Shadows Alter Facial Expressions of Noh Masks.", PLoS ONE 8(8): e71389.(2013)
- Fuchino Y., Naoi N., Shibata M., Kawai M., Konishi Y., Okanoya K., & Myowa-Yamakoshi M.:"Effects of Preterm Birth on Intrinsic Fluctuations in Neonatal Cerebral Activity Examined Using Optical Imaging.", PLoS ONE 8(6): e67432. (2013)
- Matsuda Y-T., Okanoya K. and Myowa-Yamakoshi M.:"Shyness in Early Infancy: Approach-Avoidance Conflicts in Temperament and Hypersensitivity to Eyes during Initial Gazes to Faces.", PLoS ONE 8(6): e65476. (2013)
- Kawakami A., Furukawa K., Katahira K. and Okanoya K.:"Sad music induces pleasant emotion.", Frontiers in Psychology, 4(311).(2013)
- Dina Lipkind, Gary F. Marcus, Douglas K. Bemis, Kazutoshi Sasahara, Nori Jacoby, Miki Takahasi, Kenta Suzuki, Olga Feher, Primoz Ravbar, Kazuo Okanoya & Ofer Tchernichovski :"Stepwise acquisition of vocal combinatorial capacity in songbirds and human infants.", Nature 498, 104-108.(2013)
- Nixima K. , Fujimori M. and Okanoya, K. :"An ERP Study of Autistic Traits and Emotional Recognition in Non-Clinical Adolescence.", Psychology, 4, 515-519.(2013)
- Nixima K., Okanoya K. and Kurotani T.:"Current source-density analysis of intracortical circuit in the granular retrosplenial cortex of rats: A possible role in stimulus time buffering.", Neuroscience Research 76(1-2):52-7.(2013)
- Fujimura T., Okanoya K.: "Event-Related Potentials Elicited by Pre-Attentive Emotional Changes in Temporal Context.", PLoS ONE 8(5): e63703. (2013)
- 片平健太郎、藤村友美、松田佳尚、岡ノ谷一夫、岡田真人."意思決定における学習過程に情動反応が及ぼす効果―計算論的アプローチによる検討―", 感情心理学研究, 20 (3), 71-76, (2012)
- Fujimura T., Katahira K. and Okanoya K.:"Contextual modulation of physiological and psychological responses triggered by emotional stimuli.", Frontiers in Psychology, 4(212):(2013)
- Shibata M., Kawai M., Matsukura T., Heike T., Okanoya K., & Myowa-Yamakoshi M.:"Salivary biomarkers are not suitable for pain assessment in newborns.", Early Human Development, 89( 7) , 503-506, (2013)
- Naoi N., Fuchino Y., Shibata M., Niwa F., Kawai M., Konishi Y., Okanoya K. and Myowa-Yamakoshi M.:"Decreased right temporal activation and increased interhemispheric connectivity in response to speech in preterm infants at term-equivalent age.", Frontiers in Psychology, 4(94):(2013)
- 鈴木研太、松永英治、小林哲也、岡ノ谷一夫. "鳥類の歌神経系におけるコルチコイド受容体の発現.", 比較内分泌学, 38 (147), 203-207, (2013)
- 寺澤洋子, 星-柴玲子, 柴山拓郎, 大村英史, 古川聖, 牧野昭二, 岡ノ谷一夫. "身体機能の統合による音楽情動コミュニケーションモデル.", 認知科学, 20(1), 112-129, (2013)
- 大村英史, 二藤宏美, 岡ノ谷一夫, 古川聖. "音楽構造の破壊による音楽情動への影響の調査.", 認知科学, 20(1), 152-159, (2013)
- 岡ノ谷一夫 "芸術行動の至近要因と究極要因", 認知科学, 20(1), (2013)
- Miyata H., Nishimura R., Okanoya K., Kawai N.:"The Mysterious Noh Mask: Contribution of Multiple Facial Parts to the Recognition of Emotional Expressions.", PLoS ONE 7(11): e50280(2012)
- 大村英史,柴山拓郎,高橋達二,澁谷智志,古川聖,岡ノ谷一夫. "人間の因果推論にみられる認知バイアスに基づいたメロディ生成システム.", 知能と情報, 24(5), 954-966, (2012)
- Fujimura T., Okanoya K.:"Heart Rate Variability Predicts Emotional Flexibility in Response to Positive Stimuli. ", Psychology, 3, 578-582(2012)
- Suzuki K., Yamada H., Kobayashi T., Okanoya K.:"Decreased fecal corticosterone levels due to domestication: a comparison between the white-backed munia (Lonchura striata) and its domesticated strain, the Bengalese finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica) with a suggestion for complex song evolution.",Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, (2012)
- Sasahara K., Takahasi M., Suzuki K, Okanoya K.:"A new ethological study based on large-scale behavioral data.", 人工知能学会誌,27(4),418-423 (2012)
- Matsuda Y., Okamoto Y., Ida M., Okanoya K., Myowa-Yamakoshi M.:"Infants prefer the faces of strangers or mothers to morphed faces: an uncanny valley between social novelty and familiarity.",Biology Letters, (2012)
- Matsumoto YK, Okanoya K, Seki Y.:"Effects of amygdala lesions on male mouse ultrasonic vocalizations and copulatory behaviour.",Neuroreport, 23(11),676-80(2012)
- Fujimura T., Sato W., Okanoya K.:"Subcategories of Positive Emotion.",PSYCHOLOGIA, 55(1),1-8(2012)
- Shibata M., Fuchino Y., Naoi N., Kohno S., Kawai M., Okanoya K., Myowa-Yamakoshi M.:"Broad cortical activation in response to tactile stimulation in newborns.", Neuroreport, 23(6), 373-377(2012)
- Kubo K., Okanoya K., Kawai N.:"Apology Isn't Good Enough: An Apology Suppresses an Approach Motivation but Not the Physiological and Psychological Anger.", PLoS One. 7(3),e33006(2012)
- Kurotani T., Miyashita T., Wintzer M., Konishi T., Sakai K., Ichinohe N. Rockland K S.:"Pyramidal neurons in the superficial layers of rat retrosplenial cortex exhibit a late-spiking firing property.", BRAIN STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION (2012)
- Katahira K., Okanoya K., Okada M.: "Statistical Mechanics of Reward-Modulated Learning in Decision-Making Networks.", Neural Computation, 24(5), 1230-1270(2012)
- Fujimura T., Matsuda Y., Katahira K., Okada M., Okanoya K.:"Categorical and dimensional perceptions in decoding emotional facial expressions.", Cognition & Emotion, 26(4), 587-601(2012)
- Matsunaga E., Suzuki K., Kobayashi T., Okanoya K.: "Comparative analysis of mineralocorticoid receptor expression among vocal learners (Bengalese finch and budgerigar) and non-vocal learners (quail and ring dove) has implications for the evolution of avian vocal learning.", Development, Growth & Differentiation, 53(9),961-970(2011)
- Aucouturier JJ., Nonaka Y., Katahira K., Okanoya K.: "Segmentation of expiratory and inspiratory sounds in baby cry audio recordings using hidden Markov models.", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130(5), 2969-2977(2011)
- Matsunaga E., Kurotani T., Suzuki K., and Okanoya K.: "Type-II cadherins modulate neural activity in cultured rat hippocampal neurons.", Neuroreport, 22(13):629-632(2011)
- Katahira K., Fujimura T., Okanoya K., Okada M.: "Decision-making based on emotional images.", Frontiers in Emotion Science, 2:311(2011)
- Hasegawa A., Okanoya K., Hasegawa T., Seki Y.:"Rhythmic synchronization tapping to an audio-visual metronome in budgerigars.",Sci Rep, 1, 120 (2011)
- Matsunaga E., Suzuki K., Kato S., Kurotani T., Kobayashi K., Okanoya K.:"Dynamic expression of cadherins regulates vocal development in a songbird.", PLoS ONE, 6 (9), e25272(2011)
- Katahira K., Suzuki K., Okanoya K., Okada M.:"Complex Sequencing Rules of Birdsong Can be Explained by Simple Hidden Markov Processes.",PLoS One. 6(9), e24516(2011)
- Suzuki K., Matsunaga E., Kobayashi T., Okanoya K.: "Expression pattern of mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptors in Bengalese finch (Lonchura striatta var. domestica) brain suggest the relation between stress hormone and the song system development.", Neuroscience, 194, 72-83(2011)
- Hara K., Katahira K., Okanoya K., Okada M.: "Statistical Mechanics of on-line node-perturbation learning.",情報処理学会論文誌. 数理モデル化と応用 4(1), 72-81(2011)
- Saito H., Katahira K., Okanoya K., Okada M.:"Statistical mechanics of structural and temporal credit assignment effects on learning in neural networks.", Phys. Rev. E 83, 051125 (2011)
- Cho T, Katahira K, Okanoya K, Okada M.:"Node perturbation learning without noiseless baseline.", Neural Networks, 24(3):267-72(2011)
- 西村律子・岡ノ谷一夫・川合伸幸:能面は能で想定した情動を正しく伝えているのか? 認知科学,17,750-760.(2010)
- Katahira K., Okanoya K., Okada M.:"Effects of Synaptic Weight Diffusion on Learning inDecision Making Networks.",NIPS(2010)
- Katahira K., Choa T., Okanoya K., Okada M.: "Optimal node perturbation in linear perceptrons with uncertain eligibility trace.", Neural Networks,23(2), 219-225(2010)