
Development and Dissemination of Information Technology Guidelines for Promoting Japanese-style Wellbeing

Principal Investigator
Hideyuki Ando
Graduate school of Information Science & Technology, Osaka University
Job Title
Associate professor
Research and Development Period
November 2016 to March 2020

Project Outline

It is pointed out that while information technology makes human intellectual tasks more efficient, it also has negative effects on the psychological state of users. Thus, guidelines for designing mind-enriching information technology are being sought from a different standpoint than that of mere efficiency.

This Project focuses on Japan-specific value systems (i.e., the values generated from human relationships vis-à-vis the group one belongs to or one processes as objective), rather than just focusing on the subjective happiness of individuals, a view that is dominant in Western individualistic culture.

We will establish and disseminate information technology guidelines with an emphasis on how we can introduce such Japan-specific value systems of wellbeing into information technology and how information technology can approach Japan-specific problems. And, through such efforts, we will aim to build a platform that will enable the creation and the development of information technology truly fitting with modern society.

The long-term vision of this Project is to build a model of information technology better fitted to the sense of values specific to Japanese society by implementing Japanese-style wellbeing that will complement Western-style wellbeing, and to make Japan-originated proposals that can contribute to the development of international discussion on wellbeing.

To this end, we will establish information technology guidelines that will help any developer promote wellbeing through a transparent administration process in which a broad variety of entities can take part, and concretely discuss how we should reconcile them with social systems such as laws and policies. By doing this, we hope to see a coherent relationship take shape between human beings and technology.


Hideyuki Ando (Principal Investigator)

Graduate school of Information Science & Technology, Osaka University

Associate professor

Junji Watanabe

NTT Communication Science Laboratories

Chief Researcher

Dominick Chen

Cultual Sciences Studies of Media, Body and Image, Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences, Waseda University

Associate Professor

Kazuma Aoyama

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo

Assistant professor

Kyosuke Sakakura

Tokyo City University

Associate professor

Naoto Ikegai

The University of Tokyo

Visiting Associate Professor

Tasuku Mizuno

City Lights Law Office

Representative Attorney

Participating and Cooperating Organizations

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University
Faculty of Urban Life Studies, Tokyo City University
NTT Communication Science Laboratories
InfoCom Research, Inc.
Dividual Inc.
City Lights Law Office
• Byodoin Temple