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JST-EMBO Life Science Workshop and the Signing of the Join Implementation Arrangement

On March 13th-15th 2024, JST in collaboration with the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), held a matchmaking workshop at the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan) with the aim of forming a network of outstanding researchers from Japan and Europe in the field of life sciences. A Joint Implementation Arrangement was also signed at the workshop to define future collaborations between the two organizations.

The workshop was conducted as an activity under the Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) that was signed by JST (President Dr. Kazuhito Hashimoto) and EMBO (Director Dr. Fiona Watt) in July 2023. A total of 29 researchers, 15 early career researchers in life sciences supported under JST’s CREST and FOREST program and 14 European researchers from EMBO’s network, participated in the workshop. At the opening session, both President Hashimoto (via video message) and Director Watt expressed their hope that the collaboration between the two organizations would strengthen the relations between Europe and Japan in the life science field. The participating researchers attended training courses offered by EMBO Solutions*, gave presentations on their research, and engaged in discussions with other researchers to explore future international research collaborations.

In addition, JST Vice President Shigeo Morimoto and Director Watt signed the Joint Implementation Agreement at the workshop to establish a framework for specific collaborative activities in the future. From FY2024, eligible JST researchers can apply to EMBO’s Young Investigator Programme and Scientific Exchange Grants; and matchmaking activities between JST and EMBO will be continued to strengthen the networks between Europe and Japan in the life science field. For more details, please refer to the EMBO website.

JST and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) sign a Memorandum of Cooperation

*a non-profit subsidiary funded by EMBO