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J-STAGE Data launched
Enhancing accessibility and usability of research data

Research papers produce new values and research outcomes when shared with and reused by researchers in the world. Meanwhile, to ensure the transparency of research, many universities and research institutions have established policies concerning management and disclosure of the experimental and observational data that are the evidential bases of the research papers. Recently, more and more researchers have their research data open actively to the public. J-STAGE Data, a data repository that anyone can browse for free, launched its service on March 25, 2021 to encourage use of research data created in Japan. Accordingly, academic societies whose journals have been published and collected in J-STAGE, which is an electronic academic journal platform in Japan, are also granted an option to open the relevant data on this new data repository. A digital object identifier (DOI), the international identifier, is automatically assigned to the data, and the conditions for the secondary use are clarified. The data can be viewed and referenced as information independent of the original paper.

The data opened on J-STAGE Data will be distributed globally, and it will be easier for anyone not only to search and read but also to cite and use. We will continue to enhance accessibility and usability of J-STAGE Data, accelerating the spread of academic information from Japan to the world.