R&D Project

YAMADA Makiko PM Photo

Goal 9 R&D ProjectsRealization of a society where people can live a Maemuki (forward-looking) life in the face of adversity.

Project manager (PM)YAMADA MakikoNational Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology, Group Leader

Summary of the project

This project aims to realize a society in which people can live a Maemuki (forward-looking) life even in the midst of adversity. To this end, we will clarify the diverse and multifaceted components of "positivity," calculate positivity indices by measuring physical posture and brain/physiological reactions, and establish technologies to assist, train, and educate people on positivity factors tailored to their individual situations through positivity support technologies.


Milestone by year 2032

Establish Maemuki (forward-looking) estimation technology based on unobservable measurements, and establish forward-looking assist technology, training technology, and support infrastructure.

Milestone by year 2027

Establish a method for estimating mental "positivity" from physical information and clarify context-appropriate positivity factors and their degree.

R&D theme progress reports

R&D theme structure of the project

R&D theme structure of the project

Leader's institution

National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology

R&D institutions

Araya Inc., The California Institute of Technology, National Cancer Center Japan, Tamagawa University, University of Tsukuba , Institute of Science Tokyo, NTT Communication Science Labratories, Hokkaido University, Kyoto University, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology

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