R&D Project

Goal 1 R&D ProjectsCreating A Society Whose Citizen’s Health is Monitored by Remote Control of Intracellular Cybernetic Avatars
Project manager (PM)YAMANISHI YokoProfessor, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
Summary of the project
Intracellular CA technology will allow individuals to improve the state of their bodies by external remote control of intracellular avatars constructed of nanometer-scale artificial and natural biomolecules. Remote control of the avatars can keep people’s bodies in good condition at a cellular level using micrometer-scale cell-cell interactions.
Milestone by year 2030
People who need to know the state of their body can receive appropriate support from doctors and specialists. This technology should allow doctors to monitor people’s health and provide treatment more quickly and effectively than current methods. By enabling remote control of the intracellular CAs, we will modify the target cell removal system which can be controlled by the cells themselves into a system that doctors and other specialists can control to perform examinations.
Milestone by year 2025
Using intracellular CA in a simulated in vivo environment, we will remotely control processes that identify the malignant cells or pathogens, and if necessary, remove them.
It will then be possible to keep the body in good condition anytime and anywhere. The Intracellular CA’s ability to enhance the innate immune system will be tested simulated in vivo conditions to identify possible adverse reactions.
Outline of R&D
R&D theme structure of the project
After designing intracellular CAs and loading them into cells, we will evaluate the cell kinetics in vitro, in vivo, and in vivo-simulated environments to verify the safety of intracellular CAs and how well they can be manipulated through remote control.

Leader's institution
Kyushu University
R&D institutions
Chuo University,Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research,Kyushu University,Nagaoka University of Technology,Nagoya University,National Institute for Basic Biology,National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology,RIKEN,The University of Tokyo,Institute of Science Tokyo,Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
PDF Download
- Summary of the project (258KB)
- Outline of R&D (209KB)