Proposal Papers for Policy Making and Governmental Action toward Low Carbon Society


Evaluating CO2 Emissions Embodied in Consumption Activities in Tokyo

  • SDGs11
  • SDGs13


 Activities for reducing CO2 emissions are implemented in many regions. The concept of Scope3 that enterprises have to pay consideration to the emission in the production and the consumption phase of their products, is also getting common.

 In this proposal paper, CO2 emissions embodied in the final demand of Tokyo, which mainly corresponds to the consumption of households of Tokyo are estimated utilizing Tokyo Input-output table 2011. We compare them with direct emissions in Tokyo, and also show the emissions of each sector. Thus, we show how much CO2 emissions are induced in which region by the consumption of a commodity or a service in Tokyo. It enables to provide the information that motivate CO2 emission reduction from the viewpoint of carbon footprint. Evaluating the structure of CO2 emissions by regional input-output analysis contributes to the regional policy making for emission reduction of global warming gas.

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