Call for Research Proposals for 2024 in the Strategic Basic Research Programs, JST  is now closed.
Thank you for submitting proposals.

What’s new

Educational Programs on Research Integrity

The research project applicant must complete the educational program for research integrity as a prerequisite for application. Note that if completion of the program cannot be confirmed, the application will be disqualified for failing to meet the requirements.
Please refer to here for further information.
Reference: JST Research Integrity

How to apply


Please submit your Research Proposal via e-Rad. No proposal for which the application procedure has not been completed via e-Rad by the deadline is subject to examination for any reason.
Since e-Rad system has not fully supported the application in English, it is recommended that Japanese associates apply on behalf of those who are not used to handling paperwork in Japanese.

If there is any contradiction between what the English language version of this website says and Japanese language version says, then the Japanese language version shall take precedence.