日中韓グリーンテクノロジーフォーラム 成果

文部科学省(MEXT)・独立行政法人 科学技術振興機構(JST)日中韓グリーンテクノロジーフォーラム Japan-China-Korea Green Technology Forum




① 第1分科会 低炭素社会


  • 日本/中国:低炭素都市開発
  • 日本/韓国:スマートグリッド

② 第2分科会 気候変動


  • 過去から将来にわたる地表、水文、生態系の変化に関する気候シミュレーションによる知見をはじめとする基本的な情報を提供する事を通して、グリーンテクノロジーの推進に貢献できる。そのためには、特に農漁業、健康分野における関係者と研究者との連携が必要である。
  • 最新の予測結果によると、IPCC/AR5に向けた代表的濃度経路のうち最も厳しい安定化シナリオでも、産業革命以前の水準から地球温暖化を2℃以内に抑えることは困難であり、グリーンテクノロジーの早急な開発が求められる一方、予測においては更なる定量的研究が必要である。
  • 古気候研究の成果として、湖沼の堆積物の分析を通じて過去にも氷河湖の決壊のような大規模な気候変動が発見されたことは、将来の大規模な変動に対するリスクに取り組むグリーンテクノロジーの必要性を再認識させるものである。古気候研究の推進のため、更に多くの定量的なデータが必要である。
  • 古気候研究により、人類は今日よりもより大きな気候変動に対して、治水・灌漑を通じて水文的にも果敢に適応してきた事例があるということも明らかとなってきた。
  • WCRP/CORDEXのために間もなく開始されるアジアデータセンターに対する日中韓の連携は、東アジアにおける気候変動研究の推進に貢献するものとなる。
  • 気候変動に対するリスク管理においては、費用の観点からの議論も含め研究者と政策担当者との間でしっかりとした対話が必要となる。

③ 第3分科会 水管理


  • グローバルな水循環の長期変動の探知、細かい空間解像度での気候変動の将来推計情報の共有などによる長期的な水分野における適応策の策定(研究期間は10年程度の長期を想定。)
  • 都市で必要な水の量と水質を確保するための総合的な水資源管理技術の開発と実証的研究(研究者と技術者の協働が有効。)
  • 自然界における水文循環と人間活動との間の相互作用や地表水と地表直下水や地下水との相互作用の解明と統合的なシミュレーションシステムの開発



The results of Japan-China-Korea Green Technology Forum

1. Plenary Session

At the opening of the forum, Mr. Tenzo Okumura, Senior Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and Dr. Michiharu Nakamura, President of Japan Science and Technology Agency made opening speeches on behalf of the host country of the forum.
Followed by the opening speeches, policy makers of three ministries, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the Peoples Republic of China and Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) of the Republic of Korea made presentations on the Green Innovation Policy. The presentations covered various contents from the issues and concerns of each ministry to the latest policy and strategy on Green Innovation. The presentations provided very instructive and effective opportunity to share the useful information especially for policy makers of the three countries.

2. Parallel Session

① Session 1 Low Carbon Society

We had many participants from not only other ministries but also various industrial sectors like energy, electricity, electronic product companies and Keidanren. With these wide ranges of participants, we recognized that Japan succeeded in reducing CO2 emission by 6% compared to the 1990 level including carbon credit while CO2 emission from China and Korea increased. In order to contribute to Low Carbon Society, we recommend the themes of strategic joint research among three countries as follows.

  • Japan/China: Development of Low Carbon City
    It is advisable that Japan positively take part in China's Low Carbon City Project. It is considered that Japan can offer advanced technologies for the development of low carbon society and China can offer the opportunities for field experiments.
  • Japan/Korea: Smart Grid
    Korea succeeded in coordinating various complicated interests of domestic stakeholders and is becoming one of the leading countries in the field of smart grid. It is advisable that Japan takes part in the joint research in this field with a view to establishing the global standard of smart grid.

② Session 2 Climate Change

We had a wide range of presentations on the climate change research and/or related activities from data reconstruction and analysis of paleoclimate; observation, projection and attribution studies; and adaptation and/or mitigation policy measures.
It is also noted that after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, the strong necessity of not neglecting any risk so far assumed to be beyond anticipation is widely shared and that some of projection outcomes on future climate change indicates future risks including possible increase of strength or frequency of climate extremes. We need to address such risks through more reliable scientific findings.
In order to contribute to solve these problems, we would like to show the direction of researches as follows.

  • Climate research could contribute to the Green Technology development though providing basic information including climate simulation study outcomes on earth surface, surface hydrology and ecosystem change for future, modern, historical and prehistorical periods. However in order to promote research for more valuable basic information, closer communication and/or collaboration between research communities and impact, adaptation and vulnerability (IAV) communities in such sectors as agriculture, fishery, and health are needed.
  • A latest projection experiment shows that under even the lowest Representative Concentration Pathway RCP2.6, it is slightly impossible to attain the stabilization target of 2℃ above the pre-industrial level due to carbon cycle feedback. It means that Green Technology and further quantitative studies are strongly needed.
  • Paleoclimate findings on a large scale climate changes such as glacier lake outburst flood (GLOF) in the past by analyzing lacustrine sediments remind us of the needs for sufficient Green Technology to address the future risk of large changes. More quantitative data are needed to further promote paleoclimate studies.
  • Paleoclimate findings also suggest lessons of active and aggressive examples of climato-hydrological adaptation against large climate changes that caused much more impact than today.
  • Co-operation among Japan, China and Republic of Korea for the soon launching Asian Data Center for the WCRP/CORDEX would contribute to the promotion of regional climate change research activities necessary for Green Technology of the three countries, with special emphasis on promoting data exchange.
  • Risk management against climate change needs substantial dialogue between research communities and policy makers with a challenging aspect of costs.

③ Session 3 Water Management

Through the presentations and discussion in the session 3, the views on the practical problems and its solutions in the field of Water Management were shared as follows.

<Practical Problems>
  • Sustainability of water use
  • Flood disaster mitigation
  • Non traditional water source
  • Implementing sewage treatment plants
<Practical Solutions>
  • Re-allocation of existing reservoirs
     → 3.6 billion m3/y of "new" water resources in Korea
  • Regal and institutional measures
     → Subsidies for rain harvesting facilities
     → Reclaimed water use by double pipe-supply
  • Technology
     → Membrane reactor (MBR)
     → Reducing GHG emissions from water treatment
     → UV disinfection for drinking water at point of use

In order to contribute to the above solutions in this field, we recommend the important research themes as follows.

  • Detection and attribution of long term trends of global hydrological cycles and support decision making in adaptation through sharing high-resolution climate change scenario (10 year research period is effective and preferable.)
  • Researches on development and implementation of integrated water resources management (IWRM) to secure urban water in terms of both quantity and quality (Collaboration between researchers and engineers is efficient.)
  • Studies on the interactions among natural hydrological cycles and human activities including the interactions between surface water and sub-surface/ground water through developing integrated simulation system


Throughout the forum, the information on the policies of three countries and the knowledge on the latest outcome of researches were positively shared among the participants of the forum, with the result that close networks among policy makers and scientists were successfully established. Moreover, important research themes or direction in the fields of "Low Carbon Society", "Climate Change" and "Water Management" were shown as a result of constructive discussion. In conclusion, the results of the forum were so fruitful that we could expect future research exchange and international joint research would be promoted.