Reduction and Resource Recycling of
High-level Radioactive Waste
through Nuclear Transmutation

Messsage from PM Team

To be the first in the world to obtain nuclear reaction data for long-lived fission products, and to confirm the world’s first nuclear reaction path for conversion to short lived nuclides or stable nuclides.

Program ManagerReiko FUJITA

A leading figure in the development of pyrochemical reprocessing technologies for the metallic fuel cycle, whose proposals have been selected six times in open competitions held by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for innovative nuclear power systems. Has pursued joint research at institutions that include Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Tech and The Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry. Recipient of many awards including the Atomic Energy Society of Japan Award for Distinguished Technology in 1995, and the same institution’s Best Paper Award in 1999. Has served as a Director of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan since 2010, and was appointed President in 2014. Doctorate of Science.

  • 1982Received Ph.D from Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • 1983Joined Toshiba Corporation (Nuclear Technology Research Laboratory)
  • 2012– present Chief Engineer, Power and Industrial Systems Research and Development Center, Power Systems Company, Toshiba Corporation
  • 2014– ImPACT Program Manager

Articles about
Program Manager Reiko FUJITA

Associate Program ManagerHiroyuki OIGAWA

Associate Program ManagerMasaki OZAWA

Associate Program ManagerMasatoshi KAWASHIMA

Associate Program ManagerTadashi IKEHARA

Associate Program ManagerMasaki SATO

Associate Program ManagerEmi FUJII