Reduction and Resource Recycling of
High-level Radioactive Waste
through Nuclear Transmutation
Project 1
[Separation and Recovery Technology]
Efficient Separation and Recovery of Long-Lived Fission Products (LLFPs) Technologies
Project leader
Koji Mizuguchi
Corporate Research & Development Center
Chief Research Scientist
Research Fields: Electrochemistry, High temperature Pyro-chemistry, Thermodynamics, Radioactive waste disposal/Reprocessing of spent fuel, Recovery of rare metals
Separation and Recovery Technology
Purpose: Efficient separation and recovery of long-lived Fission Products (LLFPs) Technologies
Current Results
Pd even / odd separation using polarized laser pulses
Purpose: Separation of odd nuclides from even ones by ionization of odd ones
Progress: an efficient odd / even separation scheme for palladium
- Improved low-excitation / ionization yield with conventional circular polarization by a new efficient excitation scheme.
- Confirmed an approximately 10,000 times higher ion yield than with conventional scheme.