Design UI Project

DressUp: A 3D Interface for Clothing Design with a Physical Mannequin

Amy Wibowo, Daisuke Sakamoto, Jun Mitani, and Takeo Igarashi



This paper introduces DressUp, a computerized system for designing dresses with 3D input using the form of the human body as a guide. It consists of a body-sized physical mannequin, a screen, and tangible prop tools for drawing in 3D on and around the mannequin. As the user draws, he/she modifies or creates pieces of digital cloth, which are displayed on a model of the mannequin on the screen. We explore the capacity of our 3D input tools to create a variety of dresses. We also describe observations gained from users designing actual physical garments with the system.


Amy Wibowo, Daisuke Sakamoto, Jun Mitani, Takeo Igarashi,
DressUp: A 3D Interface for Clothing Design with a Physical Mannequin,
The 6th International Conference on tangible, embedded and embodied interaction (TEI 2012), pp.99-102, Ontario, Canada, Feb.19-22, 2012. PDF   



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