Situated Modeling: A Shape-Stamping Interface with Tangible Primitives
Manfred Lau, Masaki Hirose, Akira Ohgawara, Jun Mitani, Takeo Igarashi

Existing 3D sketching methods typically allow the user to draw in empty space which is imprecise and lacks tactile feedback. We introduce a shape-stamping interface where users can model with tangible 3D primitive shapes. Each of these shapes represents a copy or a fragment of the construction material. Instead of modeling in empty space, these shapes allow us to use the real-world environment and other existing objects as a tangible guide during 3D modeling. We call this approach Situated Modeling: users can create new real-sized 3D objects directly in 3D space while using the nearby existing objects as the ultimate reference. We also describe a two-handed shape-stamping technique for stamping with tactile feedback. We show a variety of doit-yourself furniture and household products designed with our system, and perform a user study to compare our method with a related AR-based modeling system.
Manfred Lau, Masaki Hirose, Akira Ohgawara, Jun Mitani, Takeo Igarashi.
Situated Modeling: A Shape-Stamping Interface with Tangible Primitives.
The 6th International Conference on tangible, embedded and embodied
interaction (TEI 2012), pp.275-282, Ontario, Canada, Feb.19-22, 2012.
- Manfred Lau's Web Site