DEOSWelcome to Dependability Engineering for Open Systems.
What is DEOS?
The IT systems today must enable satisfactory services to be provided to users continuously by adapting the systems to accommodate ever-changing objectives and environments and to manage unpredictable failures. Accountability to society when failure of services has occurred needs to be achieved. This capability is called "OSD: Open Systems Dependability". DEOS is a body of knowledge needed to achieve OSD.
To realize OSD, that is to achieve service continuity and accountability for ever-changing systems, the following is indispensable.
- DEOS Process: an iterative process for achieving kaizen, continuous improvement.
- DEOS Architecture: an architecture that supports a DEOS Process.
- Elemental Processes and Technologies: processes and technologies to realize individual functions.
DEOS Introduction Video
For Executives
The Secret of D-Case with DEOS Process
For Technical Managers