
Synergistic Intelligence Mechanism Group

Our fundamental concept is that body image and action images are constructed through experiences, and this construction accomplishes cognition, imitation, and simulation of the actions of others. In order to investigate the relationship between mechanisms for imitation and communication, we use this theory to design functional MRI (fMRI) experiments of hand and arm imitation by autistic children and to explore the perception of biological motion by autistic children. We reveal how humans manipulate objects with their hands or tools through behavioral experiments, fMRI studies, and theoretical studies. During these processes:

(a) The brain mechanisms of interactive control between hands and objects and of imagination are clarified, and a neuronal basis is provided for a model of cognitive mechanisms for object manipulation to the Perso-SI group.

(b) The brain mechanisms for imitation learning are modeled, and this modeling provides a neuroscience-informed basis for the imitation function to the Perso-SI group.

(c) The brain mechanisms for fundamental function of communication are clarified and an acquisition model is constructed. This provides a basis for the generative model of communication to the Socio-SI group.

(d) The modeling of action image generation processes can provide a neuroanatomical basis for generation and conceptualization of action to the Physio-SI and Perso-SI groups. These models also refine each other reciprocally. We performed experiments to verify these models and hypotheses with application to the cognitive development of children with disabilities or of animals.