Goal 6: Vision of Society in 2050 (Illustration)
What will society look like in 2050?
An illustrated guide on what society might look like in 2050 if Goal 6 is realized
Correcting qubit errors: realizing a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer
We need more qubits!
Understanding “energy-saving” creatures
The Haber-Bosch process, invented in the early 20th century, has enabled the industrial production of ammonia - the raw material for nitrogen fertilizer - and supported the prosperity of humankind. However the production of nitrogen fertilizer requires a significant amount of the total energy consumed by humankind, putting a heavy burden on the global environment. Natural nitrogen fixation (the reaction that converts nitrogen molecules existing in the air into nitrogen compounds) performed by fungi is far more resource-efficient than the Haber-Bosch process. If natural nitrogen fixation can be mimicked, it will help solve various problems related to food, energy and global warming.
Why can organisms carry out such complex reactions as a matter of course? The secret is thought to be the quantum behavior of the substances involved in the reactions, but it is difficult to calculate the intricately entangled quantum states exactly even when using a supercomputer. However, if there is a fault-tolerant universal quantum computer, it will be possible to accurately calculate (reproduce) the quantum states that occur during reactions performed by living organisms.
A sustainable, safe and prosperous society
Goal 6 Secretariat
Department of Moonshot Research and Development Program, Japan Science and Technology Agency
e-mail moonshot-goal6jst.go.jp