R&D Project

OTAKE Mihoko PM Photo

Goal 3 R&D ProjectsAI Robots which Help to Envision Promising Future Together with Users and Encourage Action toward It

Project manager (PM)OTAKE MihokoTeam Leader, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project

Summary of the project

Behavioral change support robots will be developed, which help identify personal values, and encourage actions leading to well-being based on the identified personal values. This project aims to develop three key technologies: 1) to collect diverse stories including wisdom, knowledge, and experiences; 2) to estimate feelings, thoughts, and personal values from verbal and nonverbal behaviors during conversations; 3) to encourage actions through providing stories which indicate novel perspectives and manners based on identified personal values. We aim to realize AI robots that will by 2050help to envision promising future together with users and encourage users for actions towards them.

Milestone by year 2030

We discuss together with the user and derive the desired behavior and attitude. With this goal in mind, we provide appropriate support that exceeds the skills of conventional experts, based on multimodal information such as conversation, facial expressions, and biometric data. We will build a system that will accompany users to a better life.

Milestone by year 2025

We discuss together with the user and derive the desired behavior and attitude. With this goal in mind, we provide appropriate support that exceeds the skills of conventional experts, based on multimodal information such as conversation, facial expressions, and biometric data. We will build a system that will accompany users to a better life.

Outline of R&D

R&D theme structure of the project

R&D theme structure of the project
R&D theme structure of the project
R&D theme structure of the project

Leader's institution


R&D institutions

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology、Keio University、Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology、The University of Tokyo、National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology、National Institute of Informatic

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