Proposal Papers for Policy Making and Governmental Action toward Low Carbon Society


Survey of Technological Issues in Device Fabrications Processes for Gallium Oxide as a Next-Generation Widegap Semiconductor

  • SDGs7
  • SDGs9
  • SDGs11
  • SDGs13
  • SDGs12


 Gallium oxide (Ga2O3) is a next-generation widegap semiconductor seen as a candidate power device material than can make higher energy efficiency devices with lower production cost, as well as very high voltage operating devices.

 Each element process for device fabrication should be carefully designed by choosing the appropriate process conditions taking account of the chemical reactivity and thermal stability of Ga2O3. In this report the influences of chemical cleaning processes and thermal annealing processes, as well as the selection of gate dielectric materials on Ga2O3 properties and MOS device characteristics were investigated to identify the technological issues that may arise in the Ga2O3 device process development.
 For further development of the industrial processes of Ga2O3 devices, it is important to accelerate the researches for understanding of the issues including the electronic structure of Ga2O3, the relationship between the defect formation and the electronic properties of Ga2O3, and the reactions at the surface of Ga2O3 or near its interface with dielectric materials.

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