Proposal Papers for Policy Making and Governmental Action toward Low Carbon Society


Toward Future Low-Carbon Society using Scrap Iron Recycling


 Usage of iron and steel is high in our society. Iron is abundant in resources, excellent in processing characteristics and safety. There is less material substituting for iron resource on a large scale. For this reason, it is important to continue sustainable development while using iron.

 From the viewpoint of building a low-carbon society, carbon dioxide emissions from the steel industry are large, and emission reduction measures are considered indispensable. Therefore, the Center for Low Carbon Society Strategy (LCS) will examine the possibility of low carbonization in the steel industry. In particular, we decided to pay attention to "use of scrap iron recycling" which is recently said to contribute to energy saving and low carbonization. The iron source from the scrap to be charged into the electric furnace is also iron which is originally made in blast furnace. Accordingly, it is important to consider iron utilization throughout the life cycle and the value chain.
 LCS examines technological issues based on data survey and analysis in order to clarify the possibility of using recycled iron in society in the future. In order to prepare future scenarios including society's iron and steel demand and available amount of scrap etc., LCS currently scrutinizes and analyzes the current crude steel demand and supply, demand and production of steel, supply and demand of scrap, overseas trends etc.

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