Proposal Papers for Policy Making and Governmental Action toward Low Carbon Society


Economic Evaluation for Low Carbon Electric Power System Considering System Stability:
Technological Issues of Electric Power System toward 80% CO2 Reduction by 2050 in Japan


 It is essential to assess technology development issues in the electrical grid system for achievement of large-scale introduction of renewable energy in Japan to realize a low carbon society. This paper describes CO2 emissions and cost of a low carbon power supply system in 2050 by focusing on technological issues.

 In this study, the LCS database has been used to construct quantitative technology scenarios and a multi-region optimal power generation model considering stability. The target is to reduce 2013 CO2 emissions from electricity power systems by 80% in 2050. In the scenario analysis, low cost renewable energy technological developments, energy conservation technologies and knowledge of stabilization of the electricity system were taken into account. The following results were obtained. Because of cost reduction of renewable energy technologies, CO2 emission can be reduced by 80% in 2050 without additional cost. For this purpose, it is particularly important to develop technologies related to photovoltaic power generation, storage batteries and hot dry rock geothermal systems. In addition, energy saving also contributes to reducing power generation costs and improving system stability. Regarding future power grid system stability, it is thus extremely important to evaluate the technical issues of the low carbon electricity system.

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