Proposal Papers for Policy Making and Governmental Action toward Low Carbon Society


Economy and CO2 Emission of Carbon Free Hydrogen (Vol. 1)


 Recently, hydrogen is regarded as a possible candidate for renewable energy fuel. The cost, CO2 emission, and energy efficiency of hydrogen use have been analyzed from manufacture to end user considering the relevant supply chain containing the stages of compression, storage and dispensation.

 At first, we examined the hydrogen manufacturing process by gasification of woody biomass under two different energy supply conditions (case A: electricity and fuel are supplied from OSBL, case B: no electricity and fuel supplied from OSBL). Whereas the cost was almost 1.8 yen / MJ in both cases, the CO2 emission rate was 0.9 g / MJ for case B as compared to 10.3 g / MJ for case A.
 Next, selecting the fuel cell vehicle (with 70 MPa filling condition) as the end user, we investigated the cost, emission and efficiency of different schemes for transportation over a distance of 100 km such as using compressed gas with truck delivery, gas pipeline and liquefaction with truck delivery and compared that with the cost of logistics and CO2 emissions when using conventional electric power and fuel.
 Finally, by considering the hydrogen fueled power plant as the end user in a future low carbon society, we investigated the cost, emission and energy efficiency for using hydrogen for power generation in processes using hydrogenation with organic hydride where dehydrogenation is coupled with tank lorry delivery or compressed gas is delivered by truck. It was found that compressed gas transport is superior in cost, emission and efficiency in comparison with the organic hydride transport system under this condition.

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