[Important] About e-Rad "Registration of Research Integrity"

26th May, 2022

From this fiscal year, it is necessary to input information related to research integrity into e-Rad.

If your research integrity registration is not done, you are not able to complete the application on e-Rad, so if you have not completed yet, please proceed it immediately. Also, please note the following points.

- In "CREST", all lead joint researchers need to complete research integrity registration.
- When registering the research integrity information of a "Research Funds Outside e-Rad contract"
and if there is no budget amount, please be sure to enter "0".
Please refer to the link below for the input procedure.

https://www.jst.go.jp/kisoken/boshuu/teian/koubo/2022e-rad.pdf#page=3  (Japanese only)