



Possibility for observing Hawking-like effects via the interaction of multi-PW class laser pulses with underdense plasmas, Masahiro Yano, Alexei Zhidkov, Tomonao Hosokai, and Ryosuke Kodama, Phys. Plasmas, s25(10), 103104_1-11 (2018.10), DOI:10.1063/1.5028535
Narrow band and energy selectable plasma cathode for multistage laser wakefield acceleration, Y. Sakai, N. Pathak, Z. Jin, A. Zhidkov, K. Sueda, H. Toran, Y. Tanizawa, T. Otsuka, J. Ogino, H. Nakamura, R. Kodama, and T. Hosokai, Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams , 21(10), 101301_1-8 (2018.10), DOI:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.21.101301
川嶋利幸, 加藤義則, 栗田隆史,“1J,300Hzを達成したコンパクトなテーブルトップレーザーの開発”,月刊オプトロニクス,2018年4月号.
レーザー航跡場による安定な電子加速とその応用, 細貝知直, 神門正城, Optronics, 37(4), 145-150 (2018.4)
X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of energy transport in foil targets heated by petawatt laser pulses, I.Yu.Skobelev, S.N.Ryazantsev, D.D.Arich, P.S.Bratchenko, A.Ya.Faenov, T.A.Pikuz, P. Durey, L. Doehl, D. Farley, C. D. Baird, K. Lancaster, C. D. Murphy, N. Booth, C.Spindloe, P.Mckenna, S.B.Hansen, J.Colgan, R.Kodama, N.Woolsey, And S.A.Pikuz, Photonics Res., 6(4), 234-237 (2018.4), DOI:10.1364/PRJ.6.000234
益田 伸一,山本 樹、“極短周期アンジュレータ開発のための精密磁場測定”, 第15回日本加速器学会年会プロシーディングス,pp.353-355, 2018 (https://www.pasj.jp/web_publish/pasj2018/proceedings/PDF/WEP0/WEP024.pdf).
Hiroyuki Niino, Yoshinori Kato, Takashi Kurita, and Toshiyuki Kawashima, “Laser-Induced Ejection of Millimeter-Sized Liquid Droplet from Metal Surface with a 1 Joule/Pulse ns-Laser”, JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Vol. 13, No. 3, 2018. (DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2018.03.0007)
Shigeru Yamamoto, “Development of very short period undulators”, Proc. IPAC18, Vancouver, BC, Canada, WEXGBD1, pp.1735-1739, 2018 (DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018).
*多久島、若林、「サブナノ秒光パルス発生技術とその応用」、レーザー協会誌、招待論文、vol. 43, no. 3, 2018.
V. Yahia and T. Taira, "High brightness energetic pulses delivered by compact microchip-MOPA system," Opt. Express, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 8609-8618 (2018). (DOI: 10.1364/OE.26.008609)
Uroš Trdan, Tomokazu Sano, Damjan Klobčar, Yuji Sano, Janez Grum, Roman Šturm, "Improvement of corrosion resistance of AA2024-T3 using femtosecond laser peening without protective and confining medium," Corrosion Science 143, 46-55 (2018). [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2018.08.030]
Terumasa Kawashima, Tomokazu Sano, Akio Hirose, Seiichiro Tsutsumi, Kiyotaka Masaki, Kazuto Arakawa, Hisashi Hori, "Femtosecond Laser Peening of Friction Stir Welded 7075-T73 Aluminum Alloys," Journal of Materials Processing Technology 262, 111-122 (2018). [DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2018.06.022]
S.Yamamoto, “Development of very short period undulators”, Proc. IPAC18, Vancouver, BC, Canada, WEXGBD1, pp.1735-1739, 2018 (DOI:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018).
Jun Suzuki, Muneyuki Adachi, Shungo Araki, Naoki Yoshida, Kazunobu Kojima, Masaaki Hanebuchi “Millijoule-level, sub-nanosecond green laser system using Nd:YAG microchip laser with polarization-selective grating mirror”,Solid State Lasers XXVIII: Technology and Devices, 10896-57 (DOI: )
Hiroyuki Niino, Yoshinori Kato, Takashi Kurita, and Toshiyuki Kawashima、“Laser-Induced Ejection of Millimeter-Sized Liquid Droplet from Metal Surface with a 1 Joule/Pulse ns-Laser”、JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering、Vol. 13, No. 3, pp.189-192、2018 (DOI: 10.2961/jlmn.2018.03.0007)
平等拓範, "いつでも・どこでも・だれでも使えるパワーレーザを目指して -高出力ジャイアントパルスDFC小型集積レーザ -," レーザ加工学会誌, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 1-5 (2018).
平等拓範, "100MWに迫る手のひらサイズマイクロチップレーザーの開発," オプトロニクス, vol. 37, no. 436, pp. 156-161 (2018).
浅井 知 “レーザ超音波を用いた溶接品質のその場計測”,生産と技術, vol.70,No.2,pp.39-43, 2018
V. Yahia and T. Taira, "High brightness energetic pulses delivered by compact microchip-MOPA system," Opt. Express, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 8609-8618, 2018. (DOI: 10.1364/OE.26.008609)
M. Kando, A. S. Pirozhkov, M. Nishiuchi、H. Kiriyama, A. Kon, H. Sakaki, Y. Fukuda, N. Dover, K. Sekiguchi, K. Nishitani, A. Sagisaka, T. A. Pikuz, A. Ya. Faenov, K. Ogura, Y. Hayashi, H. Kotaki, T. Zh. Esirkepov, K. Huang, N. Nakanii, K. Kondo, J. K. Koga, S. V. Bulanov, K. Kondo, “Research on Laser Acceleration and Coherent X-ray Generation Using J-KAREN-P Laser”, Proc. of X-ray Lasers 2016, Springer Proceedings in Physics 202, pp.135-142, 2018 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-73025_21)
K. Huang, T. Esirkepov, J. K. Koga, H. Kotaki, M. Mori, Y. Hayashi, N. Nakanii, S. V. Bulanov, M. Kando, “Electro-optic spatial decoding on the spherical-wavefront Coulomb fields of plasma electron sources”, Scientific Reports, 8:2938, pp.1-10, 2018 (DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-21242-y)
J. K. Koga, S. V. Bulanov, T. Zh. Esirkepov, M. Kando, “Achieving Laser Wakefield Accelerated Electron Beams of Low Enough Energy Spread for an XFEL”, Proc. of X-ray Lasers 2016, Springer Proceedings in Physics 202, pp.117-120, 2018 (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-73025_18)
H. Ishizuki, V. Yahia, and T. Taira, "Characteristics of crystal quartz for high-intensity, sub-nanosecond wavelength conversion, "Opt. Mat. Express, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 1259-1264, 2018. (DOI: 10.1364/OME.8.001259)


Spectral effects in the propagation of chirped laser pulses in uniform underdense plasma, Naveen Pathak, Alexei Zhidkov, Tomonao Hosokai, and Ryosuke Kodama, Phys. Plasmas, 25, 013119 _1-11 (2018.1), DOI:10.1063/1.5011081
南出泰亜, "テラヘルツ波電磁波領域を切り開くニオブ酸リチウム結晶", レーザー研究, Vol.45, No.12, pp.757-761, (2017.12)
南出泰亜, 縄田耕二, 瀧田佑馬, "高効率非線形光学波長変換によるテラヘルツ波発生検出技術", フォトニクスニュースPhotonics Division, Vol.3, No.3, pp.105-109, (2017.12)
南出泰亜, "テラヘルツ波電磁波領域を切り開くニオブ酸リチウム結晶", レーザー研究, Vol.45, No.12, pp.757-761, (2017.12)
Y. Takida, K. Nawata, S. Suzuki, M. Asada, and H. Minamide, “Nonlinear optical detection of terahertz-wave radiation from resonant tunneling diodes,” Opt. Express, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 5389-5396 (2017).Featured in Advances In Engineering (Aug. 4, 2017):
Soft x-ray laser ablation of metals and dielectrics, A. Faenov, T. Pikuz, M. Ishino, N. Inogamov, V. Zhakhovsky, I. Skobelev, N. Hasegawa, M. Nishikino, M. Kando, R. Kodama, T. Kawachi, Proc. of SPIE, 10243, 102430S_1-10 (2017.5.17), DOI:10.1117/12.2264966
山本 樹,浜 広幸,柏木 茂,日出富士雄,武藤俊哉,南部健一,“極短周期アンジュレータの開発と最初の放射の観測実験”,第14回日本加速器学会年会プロシーディングス,pp.216-220,2017 (https://www.pasj.jp/web_publish/pasj2017/proceedings/PDF/THOL/THOL11.pdf).
山本 樹, “コンパクト放射光源としての極短周期アンジュレータの開発”, レーザー学会誌・レーザー研究, Vol.45, pp.82-86, 2017.
Y. Takida, K. Nawata, S. Suzuki, M. Asada, and H. Minamide, “Terahertz-wave differential detection based on simultaneous dual-wavelength up-conversion,” AIP Advances, Vol. 7, Issue 3, 035020 (2017). (DOI: 10.1063/1.4979405)
Y. Takida, K. Nawata, S. Suzuki, M. Asada, and H. Minamide, “Nonlinear optical detection of terahertz-wave radiation from resonant tunneling diodes,” Opt. Express, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 5389-5396 (2017). (DOI: 10.1364/OE.25.005389)
平等拓範, L. Zheng, 石月秀貴, "1.5ミクロン帯アイセーフジャイアントパルスマイクロチップレーザー," オプトロニクス, vol. 36, no. 422, pp. 67-70 (2017).
平等拓範, "光技術で“くるま”は変わる:総論," オプトロニクス, vol. 36, no. 422, pp. 58-61 (2017).
浅井 知 “革新的スマート溶接システム”, 溶接技術, vol. 65, No.8, pp.107-111, 2017
山本 樹,浜 広幸,柏木 茂,日出富士雄,武藤俊哉,南部健一,極短周期アンジュレータの開発と最初の放射の観測実験,第14回日本加速器学会年会プロシーディングス,216-220,2017.
Shigeru Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Hama, Shigeru Kashiwagi, Fujio Hinode, Toshiya Muto, Kenichi Nanbu, “Development of a very short period undulator and observation of the first light”, Proceedings of 14th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan, pp216-220, 2017
L. Zheng, A. Kausas, T. Taira, "Drastic thermal effects reduction through distributed face cooling in a high power giant-pulse tiny laser," Opt. Mater. Express, vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 3214-3221, 2017. (DOI: 10.1364/OME.7.003214)
K. Nawata, S. Hayashi, H. Ishizuki, K. Murate, K. Imayama, Y. Takida, V. Yahia, T. Taira, K. Kawase, and H. Minamide, "Effective terahertz wave parametric generation depending on the pump pulse width using a LiNbO3 crystal," IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, vol. 7, no. 5 , pp. 617-620, 2017. (DOI: 10.1109/TTHZ.2017.2725479)
神門正城, “レーザー航跡場加速におけるプラズマ・ビーム最先端計測”, レーザー研究, vol. 45, No. 25, pp.77-81, 2017.
山本 樹, コンパクト放射光源としての極短周期アンジュレータの開発, レーザー学会誌・レーザー研究, Vol.45, pp82-86, 2017.
Y. Miyasaka, H. Kiriyama, M. Kishimoto, M. Mori, M. Kando, and K. Kondo, “Development of stable seed pulses for optically synchronized optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier pumping”, レーザー研究, vol. 45, No. 2, pp.108-111, 2017.
Y. Takida, K. Nawata, S. Suzuki, M. Asada, and H. Minamide, “Terahertz-wave differential detection based on simultaneous dual-wavelength up-conversion,” AIP Advances, Vol. 7, Issue 3, 035020 (2017). (DOI: 10.1063/1.4979405)
Y. Takida, K. Nawata, S. Suzuki, M. Asada, and H. Minamide, “Nonlinear optical detection of terahertz-wave radiation from resonant tunneling diodes,” Opt. Express, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 5389-5396 (2017). (DOI: 10.1364/OE.25.005389)
H. Ishizuki and T. Taira, "Quasi phase-matched quartz for intense-laser pumped wavelength conversion," Opt. Express, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 2369-2376, 2017 (DOI: 10.1364/OE.25.002369)
A. Kausas, P. Loiseau, G. Aka, Y. Zheng, L. Zheng, and T. Taira, "Temperature stable operation of YCOB crystal for giant-pulse green microlaser," Opt. Express, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 6431-6439, 2017 (DOI: 10.1364/OE.25.006431)
Coherent X-ray beam metrology using 2D high-resolution Fresnel-diffraction analysis, M. Ruiz-Lopez, A. Faenov, T. Pikuz, N. Ozaki, A. Mitrofanov, B. Albertazzi, N. Hartley, T. Matsuoka, R. Ochante, Y. Tange, T. Yabuuchi, T. Habara, K. A. Tanaka, Y. Inubushi, M. Yabashi, M. Nishikino, T. Kawachi, S. Pikuz, T. Ishikawa, R. Kodama and D. Bleiner, J. Synchrotron Rad., 24, 196-204 (2017), DIO:10.1107/S1600577516016568


On the size of the secondary electron cloud in crystals irradiated by hard X-ray photons, Alexei N. Grum-Grzhimailo, Tatiana Pikuz, Anatoly Faenov, Takeshi Matsuoka, Norimasa Ozaki, Bruno Albertazzi, Sergei Pikuz, Yuichi Inubushi, Makina Yabashi, Kensuke Tono, Hirokatsu Yumoto, Haruhiko Ohashi, Tetsuya Ishikawa, and Ryosuke Kodama, Eur. Phys. J. D, 71(69), 1-6 (2017.3), DIO:10.1140/epjd/e2017-70767-8
X線自由電子レーザーを目指したレーザー航跡場加速研究の現状, 細貝知直, 大塚崇光, 兒玉了祐 , レーザー研究, 45(2), 71-76 (2017.2), DOI:なし
レーザー航跡場の電子密度変調の可視化計測に用いる数サイクルレーザーシステム, 荻野純平、末田敬一、森道昭、ジドコフ・アレクセイ、神門正城、細貝知直、兒玉了祐, レーザー研究 Vol.45, p99-103 (2017.2), DOI:なし
Using X-ray spectroscopy of relativistic laser plasma interaction to reveal parametric decay instabilities: a modeling tool for astrophysics, E. Oks, E. Dalimier, A.Ya. Faenov, P. Angelo, S.A. Pikuz, E. Tubman, N.M.H. Butler, R.J. Dance, T.A. Pikuz, I.Yu. Skobelev, M.A. Alkhimova, N. Booth, J. Green, C. Gregory, A. Andreev, A. Zhidkov, R. Kodama, P. McKenna, and N. Woolsey , Optics Express, 25(3), 1958-1972 (2017.2), DIO:10.1364/OE.25.001958
X線自由電子レーザー実現のためのレーザー加速特集号によせて, 兒玉了祐, レーザー研究, 45(2), 56-57 (2017.2), DOI:なし
X線自由電子レーザーを目指したレーザー航跡場加速研究の現状', 細貝知直, 大塚崇光, 兒玉了祐 , レーザー研究, 45(2), 71-76 (2017.2), DOI:なし
レーザー加速の新展開, 細貝知直, パリティ(丸善出版)32(1),22-24, (2017,1), DOI:なし
レーザー加速の新展開, 細貝知直, パリティ(丸善出版)32(1),22-24, (2017,1), DOI:なし
Influence of hot electrons on the spectra of iron plasma irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses with 1021 W/cm2 intensities, A. Stafford, A. S. Safronova, A. Ya. Faenov, T. A. Pikuz, R. Kodama, V. L. Kantsyrev, I. Shrestha and V. V. Shlyaptseva, Laser and Particle Beams, 35, 92–99 (2017.1), DIO:10.1063/1.4968240
Decomposition of powerful axisymmetrically polarized laser pulses in underdense plasma, Nobuhiko Nakanii, Tomonao Hosokai, Naveen C. Pathak, Shinichi Masuda, Alexei G. Zhidkov, Hiroki Nakahara, Kenta Iwasa, Yoshio Mizuta, Naoki Takeguchi, Takamitsu P. Otsuka, Keiichi Sueda, Jumpei Ogino, Hirotaka Nakamura, Michiaki Mori, Masaki Kando, and Ryosuke Kodama, Phys. Rev. E, 94(6), 063205_1-6 (2016.12),
Decomposition of powerful axisymmetrically polarized laser pulses in underdense plasma, Nobuhiko Nakanii, Tomonao Hosokai, Naveen C. Pathak, Shinichi Masuda, Alexei G. Zhidkov, Hiroki Nakahara, Kenta Iwasa, Yoshio Mizuta, Naoki Takeguchi, Takamitsu P. Otsuka, Keiichi Sueda, Jumpei Ogino, Hirotaka Nakamura, Michiaki Mori, Masaki Kando, and Ryosuke Kodama, Phys. Rev. E, 94(6), 063205_1-6 (2016.12), DIO:10.1103/PhysRevE.94.063205
Effect of halo on high power laser pulse wake in underdense plasma, N. Pathak, A. Zhidkov, S. Masuda, T. Hosokai, R. Kodama, Phys. Plasmas , 23(11), 113106_1-8 (2016.11.23), DIO:10.1063/1.4968240
パワーレーザーによる高エネルギー密度科学の展開, 兒玉了祐, Optronics, 35(10), 90-95 (2016.10), DOI:なし
Highly efficient terahertz radiation from a thin foil irradiated by a high-contrast laser pulse, Z. Jin, H. B. Zhuo, T. Nakazawa, J. H. Shin, S. Wakamatsu, N. Yugami, T. Hosokai, D. B. Zou, M. Y. Yu, Z. M. Sheng, and R. Kodama , Phys. Rev. E , 94(3), 33206_1-5 (2016.9), DIO:10.1103/PhysRevE.94.033206
X-ray coherent mirage: Generation of phase – matched coherent point source in plasma media by propagated X-ray laser seeded beam, A.Ya. Faenov, T.A. Pikuz, S.A. Magnitskiy, N. Nagorskiy, M. Tanaka, M. Ishino, M. Nishikino, M. Kando, R. Kodama, Y. Kato, and T. Kawachi, Laser Part. Beams, 34(3), 402–411 (2016.8), DIO:10.1017/S0263034616000288
Characterization of X-ray radiation from solid Sn target irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses in the presence of air plasma sparks, A. Curcio, M. Anania, F.G. Bisesto, A. Faenov, M. Ferrario, M. Galletti, D. Giulietti, R. Kodama, M. Petrarca, T. Pikuz, and A. Zigler, Laser Part. Beams, 34(3), 533–538 (2016.8), DIO:10.1017/S0263034616000458
Note: Single-shot time-domain spectroscopy and spatial profiling of terahertz pulses from intense laser systems, T. J. Zhang, Z. Jin, S. Wakamatsu, T. Hosokai, N. Yugami, and R. Kodama, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 87, 066101 (2016.6), DIO:10.1063/1.4953116
X-ray spectral diagnostics of laser harmonic generation in the interaction of relativistic femtosecond laser pulses with clusters, A.Ya. Faenov, E. Oks, E. Dalimier, I.Yu. Skobelev, S. А. Pikuz, T. A. Pikuz, I. А. Zhvaniya, Y. Fukuda, A. Andreev, J. Koga, H. Sakaki, H. Kotaki, A. Pirozhkov, Y. Hayashi,T. Kawachi, M. Kando, K. Kondo, A. Zhidkov, R. Kodama, Quantum Electronics, 46(4), 338-341 (2016.5), DIO:10.1070/QEL16055
山本 樹, “極短周期アンジュレータの開発II”, 第12回日本加速器学会年会プロシーディングス, PASJ2015, pp.187-190, 2016 (https://www.pasj.jp/web_publish/pasj2015/proceedings/PDF/FROM/FROM04.pdf).
Shigeru Yamamoto, “Development of undulator magnets towards very short period lengths”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1741, pp.020029-1-4, 2016 (DOI:10.1063/1.4952808).
平等拓範, "マイクロドメイン制御によるハイパワーレーザー材料," 応用物理, vol. 85, no. 10, pp. 863-869, 2016.
山本 樹, 極短周期アンジュレータの開発III, 第13回日本加速器学会年会プロシーディングス, PASJ2016, pp1035-1039, 2016.
T.Tanaka, R.Kinjo, T.Hasegawa, T.Bizen, T.Seike, A.Kagamihata, H.Kishimoto, H.Ohashi, and S.Yamamoto, Insertion devices for Spring-8 Upgrade Project, Proc. IPAC2016, Busan, Korea, pp4035-4037, doi:10.18429/JACow-IPAC2016-THPOW040, 2016.
Shigeru Yamamoto, “Development of undulator magnets towards very short period lengths”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1741, 020029, doi:10.1063/1.4952808, 2016.
Sergey Bulanov, Esirkepov Timur, Yukio Hayashi, Hiromitsu Kiriyama, James Kevin Koga, Hideyuki Kotaki, Michiaki Mori, Masaki Kando, “On some theoretical problems of laser wake-field accelerators”, Journal of Plasma Physics, vol. 82, No. 905820308, pp.1-55, 2016.(DOI: 10.1017/S0022377816000623)
L. Zheng, A. Kausas, and T. Taira, ">MW peak power at 266 nm, low jitter kHz repetition rate from intense pumped microlaser," Opt. Express, vol. 24, no. 25, pp. 28748-28760, 2016 (DOI: 10.1364/OE.24.028748)
D. M. Farinella, C. K. Lau, X. M. Zhang, J. K. Koga, S. Taimourzadeh, Y. Hwang, K. Abazajian, N. Canac, T. Ebisuzaki, P. Taborek, “High energy photon emission from wakefields”, Physics of Plasmas, vol. 23, No. 7, pp.073107-1 – 073107-10, 2016.(DOI: 10.1063/1.4956450)
Shigeru Yamamoto, “Development of undulator magnets towards very short period lengths”, AIP Conf. Proc. of the 12th International Conf. on Synch. Rad. Instrum., accepted for publication, 2016.
S. V. Bulanov, T. Zh. Esirkepov, M. Kando, H. Kiriyama, and K. Kondo, Relativistically Strong Electromagnetic Radiation in a Plasma, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 122, 426-433, 2016 (DOI: 10.1134/S1063776116030146)
J. K. Koga, M. Mori, H. Kotaki, S. V. Bulanov, T. Zh. Esirkepov, H. Kiriyama, and M. Kando, "Laser wakefield accelerated electron beam monitoring and control", AIP Conf. Proc. 1721, 050003-1–050003-8, 2016 (DOI: 10.1063/1/4944025)


石月秀貴, 平等拓範, "水晶を用いた高強度光励起波長変換の検討", 第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 応用物理学会, 東京, 21a-S661-4, 2016年3月21日.
N. Pathak, A. Zhidkov, N. Nakanii, S. Masuda, T. Hosokai, and R. Kodama, “Breaking symmetry in propagation of radially and azimuthally polarized high power laser pulses in underdense plasma”, Phys Plasmas., 23, 033102_1-8, 2016.3 (DOI: 10.1063/1.4942942)
V. Yahia and T. Taira, "High-gain amplification of a microchip laser beam," 第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 応用物理学会,東京, 2016年3月20日. 
V. Yahia and T. Taira, "Toward GW-class high-brightness microchip laser system," 10th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design & Fabrication (ODF'16), Weingarten, Germany, 1PDb-07, 2016年3月1日.(一般社団法人日本光学会光設計研究グループの旅費補助制度対象論文)
N. Pathak, A. Zhidkov, N. Nakanii, S. Masuda, T. Hosokai, and R. Kodama, “Breaking symmetry in propagation of radially and azimuthally polarized high power laser pulses in underdense plasma”, Phys Plasmas., 23, 033102_1-8, 2016.3 (DOI: 10.1063/1.4942942)
N. Nakanii, T. Hosokai, K. Iwasa, N. C. Pathak, S. Masuda, A.G.Zhidkov, H. Nakahara, N. Takeguchi, Y. Mizuta, T. P. Otsuka, K. Sueda, H.Nakamura and R. Kodama, “Effect of halo on the stability of electron bunches in laser wakefield acceleration”, Euro Physics Letters, IOPscience, 113, 34002_1-5, 2016.2 (DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/113/34002)
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Nobuhiko Nakanii, Tomonao Hosokai, Kenta Iwasa, Shinichi Masuda, Alexei Zhidkov, Naveen Pathak, Hiroki Nakahara, Yoshio Mizuta, Naoki Takeguchi, and Ryosuke Kodama, “Transient magnetized plasma as an optical element for high power laser pulses”, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, Vol. 18, No. 2, p. 021303 (2015.2) (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.18.021303)