The purpose of this program is to contribute toward improved QOL in addition to safety through the development of no-invasive and no-disruptive 3D visualization technology to discover early presence of disease and maintain health and inspect the quality of industrial materials.
The focus of this symposium is on vascular imaging introducing the cutting-edge technology of photoacoustic imaging and bio-medical imaging with a view of its medical application.
We discuss the potential of a new health science “Vascular Health Science”, referring to blood vessel network and blood state of the human body for early prediction of diseases and health condition monitoring including aging.
We anticipate your attendance input at the symposium with the hope that your presence will contribute to the improvement of the program and a future science.
ImPACT Program Manager Takayuki Yagi
日時/Date | 平成28年1月30日(土) 9:45~18:00(開場:9:15) Jan. 30th(Sat.), 2016 9:45 -18:00 意見交換会:18:30~20:00 Reception:18:30-20:00 |
場所/Venue | 京都大学 国際科学イノベーション棟 5階 シンポジウムホール International Science Innovation Building, Kyoto University アクセス/Access:access.pdf(2,247KB) |
会費/Registration Fee | 無料(ただし、意見交換会は別途参加費をいただきます) Free(Additional fee is charged for Reception) |
定員/Seating capacity | 約200名(定員になり次第、締め切らせて頂きます) The maximum enrollment is 200. |
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国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 革新的研究開発推進室 八木PM担当
Office for the Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program
E-mail : impact-yg(at)jst.go.jp
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