- Generalized quantum subspace expansion
N. Yoshioka, H. Hakoshima, Y. Matsuzaki, Y. Tokunaga, Y. Suzuki, and S. Endo,
Phys. Rev. Lett. (accepted).
- Fast readout and reset of a superconducting qubit coupled to a resonator with an intrinsic Purcell filter
Y. Sunada, S. Kono, J. Ilves, S. Tamate, T. Sugiyama, Y. Tabuchi, and Y. Nakamura,
Phys. Rev. Applied (accepted).
- Quantum Error Mitigation as a Universal Error Reduction Technique: Applications from the NISQ to the Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing Eras
Y. Suzuki, S. Endo, K. Fujii, and Y. Tokunaga,
PRX Quantum 3, 010345 (2022).
- Spectroscopic observation of the crossover from a classical Duffing oscillator to a Kerr parametric oscillator
T. Yamaji, S. Kagami, A. Yamaguchi, T. Satoh, K. Koshino, H. Goto, Z. R. Lin, Y. Nakamura, and T. Yamamoto,
Phys. Rev. A 105, 023519 (2022).
- Computational power of one- and two-dimensional dual-unitary quantum circuits
R. Suzuki, K. Mitarai, and K. Fujii,
Quantum 6, 631 (2022).
- Experimental quantum teleportation of propagating microwaves
K. G. Fedorov, M. Renger, S. Pogorzalek, R. Di Candia, Q. Chen, Y. Nojiri, K. Inomata, Y. Nakamura, M. Partanen, A. Marx, R. Gross, and F. Deppe,
Sci. Adv. 7, eabk0891 (2021).
- Chaos in coupled Kerr-nonlinear parametric oscillators
H. Goto and T. Kanao,
Phys. Rev. Research. 3, 043196 (2021).
- Sampling-based quasiprobability simulation for fault-tolerant quantum error correction on the surface
codes under
coherent noise
S. Hakkaku, K. Mitarai, and K. Fujii,
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043130 (2021).
- Beyond the standard quantum limit for parametric amplification of broadband signals
M. Renger, S. Pogorzalek, Q. Chen, Y. Nojiri, K. Inomata, Y. Nakamura, M. Partanen, A. Marx, R. Gross, F.
Deppe, and K.
G. Fedorov,
Quantum Info. 7, 160 (2021).
- Optical polarimetric measurement of surface acoustic waves
K. Taga, R. Hisatomi, Y. Ohnuma, R. Sasaki, T. Ono, Y. Nakamura, and K. Usami,
Phys. Lett. 119, 181106 (2021).
- Quantum algorithm for the calculation of transition amplitudes in hybrid tensor networks
S. Kanno, S. Endo, Y. Suzuki, and Y. Tokunaga,
Phys. Rev. A 104, 042424 (2021).
- Qulacs: a fast and versatile quantum circuit simulator for research purpose
Y. Suzuki, Y. Kawase, Y. Masumura, Y. Hiraga, M. Nakadai, J. Chen, K. M. Nakanishi, K. Mitarai, R. Imai, S.
Tamiya, T.
Yamamoto, T. Yan, T. Kawakubo, Y. O. Nakagawa, Y. Ibe, Y. Zhang, H. Yamashita, H. Yoshimura, A. Hayashi, and
K. Fujii,
Quantum 5, 559 (2021).
- Boltzmann machine learning with a variational quantum algorithm
Y. Shingu, Y. Seki, S. Watabe, S. Endo, Y. Matsuzaki, S. Kawabata, T. Nikuni, and H. Hakoshima,
Phys. Rev. A 104, 032413 (2021).
- Quantum Circuits for Exact Unitary
t-Designs and Applications to Higher-Order Randomized Benchmarking
Y. Nakata, D. Zhao, T. Okuda, E. Bannai, Y. Suzuki, S. Tamiya, K. Heya, Z. Yan, K. Zuo, S. Tamate, Y.
Tabuchi, and Y. Nakamura,
PRX Quantum 2, 030339 (2021).
- Variational quantum algorithms
M. Cerezo, A. Arrasmith, R. Babbush, S. C. Benjamin, S. Endo, K. Fujii, J. R. McClean, K. Mitarai, X. Yuan,
L. Cincio, and P. J. Coles,
Nature Rev. Phys. 3, 625 (2021).
- Quantum Reservoir Computing: A Reservoir Approach Toward Quantum Machine Learning on Near-Term Quantum
K. Fujii and K. Nakajima,
Reservoir Computing, Natural Computing Series, 423 (2021).
- Characterization of a flux-driven Josephson parametric amplifier with near quantum-limited added noise
for axion search
Ç. Kutlu, A. F. van Loo, S. V. Uchaikin, A. N. Matlashov, D. Lee, S. Oh, J. Kim, W.
Chung, Y. Nakamura, and Y. K.
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 34, 085013 (2021).
- Self-consistent quantum tomography with regularization
T. Sugiyama, S. Imori, and F. Tanaka,
Phys. Rev. A 103, 062615 (2021).
- Time molecules with periodically driven interacting qubits
K. V. Shulga, I. Vakulchyk, Y. Nakamura, S. Flach, and M. V. Fistul,
Quant. Sci. Technol. 6, 035012 (2021).
- Comparative Study of Sampling-Based Simulation Costs of Noisy Quantum Circuits
S. Hakkaku and K. Fujii,
Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 064027 (2021).
- Experimental quantum kernel trick with nuclear spins in a solid
T. Kusumoto, K. Mitarai, K. Fujii, M. Kitagawa, and M. Negoro,
Quantum Info. 7, 94 (2021).
- Learning temporal data with a variational quantum recurrent neural network
Y. Takaki, K. Mitarai, M. Negoro, K. Fujii, and M. Kitagawa,
Phys. Rev. A 103, 052414 (2021).
- Superconducting acousto-optic phase modulator
A. Okada, R. Yamazaki, M. Fuwa, A. Noguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, A. Kanno, N. Yamamoto, Y. Hishida, H. Terai, Y.
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Opt. Express 29, 14151 (2021).
- Elliptical rotation of a bosonic oscillator in ultrastrong waveguide QED
K. Koshino,
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023060 (2021).
- Constructing a virtual two-qubit gate by sampling single-qubit operations
K. Mitarai and K. Fujii,
New J. Phys. 23, 023021 (2021).
- Relationship between costs for quantum error mitigation and non-Markovian measures
H. Hakoshima, Y. Matsuzaki, and S. Endo,
Phys. Rev. A 103, 012611 (2021).
- High-accuracy Ising machine using Kerr-nonlinear parametric oscillators with local four-body
T. Kanao and H. Goto,
Quantum Info. 7, 18 (2021).
- Overhead for simulating a non-local channel with local channels by quasiprobability sampling
K. Mitarai and K. Fujii,
Quantum 5, 388 (2021).
- Effects of higher levels of qubits on control of qubit protected by a Josephson quantum filter
S. Masuda and K. Koshino,
New J. Phys. 23, 013006 (2021).
- Quantum annealing using vacuum states as effective excited states of driven systems
H. Goto and T. Kanao,
Commun. Phys. 3, 235 (2020).
- Fast parametric two-qubit gates with suppressed residual interaction using the second-order
nonlinearity of a cubic transmon
A. Noguchi, A. Osada, S. Masuda, S. Kono, K. Heya, S. P. Wolski, H. Takahashi, T. Sugiyama, D.
Lachance-Quirion, and Y. Nakamura,
Phys. Rev. A 102, 062408 (2020).
- Variational quantum algorithm for nonequilibrium steady states
N. Yoshioka, Y. O. Nakagawa, K. Mitarai, and K. Fujii,
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043289 (2020).
- Nuclear surface acoustic resonance with spin-rotation coupling
K. Usami and K. Takeda,
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043200 (2020).
- Programmable directional emitter and receiver of itinerant microwave photons in a waveguide
N. Gheeraert, S. Kono, and Y. Nakamura,
Phys. Rev. A 102, 053720 (2020).
- Sequential minimal optimization for quantum-classical hybrid algorithms
K. M. Nakanishi, K. Fujii, and S. Todo,
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043158 (2020).
- General framework for constructing fast and near-optimal machine-learning-based decoder of the
topological stabilizer codes
A. Davaasuren, Y. Suzuki, K. Fujii, and M. Koashi,
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033399 (2020).
- Probing XY phase transitions in a Josephson junction array with tunable frustration
R. Cosmic, K. Kawabata, Y. Ashida, H. Ikegami, S. Furukawa, P. Patil, J.M. Taylor, and Y. Nakamura,
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- Dissipation-Based Quantum Sensing of Magnons with a Superconducting Qubit
S.P. Wolski, D. Lachance-Quirion, Y. Tabuchi, S. Kono, A. Noguchi, K. Usami, and Y. Nakamura,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 117701 (2020).
- Optimizing a quantum reservoir computer for time series prediction
A. Kutvonen, K. Fujii, and T. Sagawa,
Rep. 10, 14687 (2020).
- π phase shifter based on NbN-based ferromagnetic Josephson junction on a silicon substrate
T. Yamashita, S. Kim, H. Kato, W. Qiu, K. Semba, A. Fujimaki, and H. Terai,
Rep. 10, 13687 (2020).
- Breaking the trade-off between fast control and long lifetime of a superconducting qubit
S. Kono, K. Koshino, D. Lachance-Quirion, A. F. Van Loo, Y. Tabuchi, A. Noguchi, and Y. Nakamura,
Nature Commun. 11, 3683 (2020).
- Radio-frequency-to-optical conversion using acoustic and optical whispering-gallery modes
R. Yamazaki, A. Okada, A. Noguchi, S. Akao, Y. Tsukahara, K. Yamanaka, N. Takeda, Y. Tabuchi, K. Usami, and
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Phys. Rev. A 101, 053839 (2020).
- On-demand generation and characterization of a microwave time-bin qubit
J. Ilves, S. Kono, Y. Sunada, S. Yamazaki, M. Kim, K. Koshino, and Y. Nakamura,
Quantum Info. 6, 34 (2020).
- Single-photon quantum regime of artificial radiation pressure on a surface acoustic wave
A. Noguchi, R. Yamazaki, Y. Tabuchi, and Y. Nakamura,
Nature Commun. 11, 1183 (2020).
- Hybrid quantum systems with circuit quantum electrodynamics
A. A. Clerk, K. W. Lehnert, P. Bertet, J. R. Petta, and Y. Nakamura,
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- Topological Boundary Modes from Translational Deformations
Y. Nakata, Y. Ito, Y. Nakamura, and R. Shindou,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 073901 (2020).
- Protection of a Qubit via Subradiance: A Josephson Quantum Filter
K. Koshino, S. Kono, and Y. Nakamura,
Phys. Rev. Applied 13, 014051 (2020).
- Entanglement-based single-shot detection of a single magnon with a superconducting qubit
D. Lachance-Quirion, S. P. Wolski, Y. Tabuchi, S. Kono, K. Usami, and Y. Nakamura,
Science 367, 425 (2020).
- Helicity-Changing Brillouin Light scattering in a Ferromagnetic Crystal
R. Hisatomi, A. Noguchi, R. Yamazaki, Y. Nakata, A. Gloppe, Y. Nakamura, and K. Usami,
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- Logical measurement-based quantum computation in circuit-QED
J. Joo, C.-W. Lee, S. Kono, and J. Kim,
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- Subspace-search variational quantum eigensolver for excited states
K. M. Nakanishi, K. Mitarai, and K. Fujii,
Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033062 (2019).
- Optical heterodyne imaging of magnetostatic modes in one-dimensional magnonic crystals
S. Z. Baba, Y. Nakata, Y. Ito, R. Hisatomi, Y. Nakamura, and K. Usami,
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- Methodology for replacing indirect measurements with direct measurements
K. Mitarai and K. Fujii,
Phys. Rev. Research 1, 013006 (2019).
- Resonant Magnetic Induction Tomography of a Magnetized Sphere
A. Gloppe, R. Hisatomi, Y. Nakata, Y. Nakamura, and K. Usami,
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- Generalization of the Output of a Variational Quantum Eigensolver by Parameter Interpolation with a
Low-depth Ansatz
K. Mitarai, T. Yan, and K. Fujii,
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- Boosting Computational Power through Spatial Multiplexing in Quantum Reservoir Computing
K. Nakajima, K. Fujii, M. Negoro, K. Mitarai, and M. Kitagawa,
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- Quantum Computation Based on Quantum Adiabatic Bifurcations of Kerr-Nonlinear Parametric
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- Secure quantum remote state preparation of squeezed microwave states
S. Pogorzalek, K. G. Fedorov, M. Xu, A. Parra-Rodriguez, M. Sanz, M. Fischer, E. Xie, K. Inomata, Y.
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- Hybrid quantum systems based on magnonics
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- On-demand generation of traveling cat states using a parametric oscillator
H. Goto, Z.R. Lin, T. Yamamoto, and Y. Nakamura,
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- Quantum analog-digital conversion
K. Mitarai, M. Kitagawa, and K. Fujii,
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- Nonreciprocal microwave transmission based on Gebhard-Ruckenstein hopping
S. Masuda, S. Kono, K. Suzuki, Y. Tokunaga, Y. Nakamura, and K. Koshino,
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- Observation of the linewidth broadening of single spins in diamond nanoparticles in aqueous fluid and
its relation to the rotational Brownian motion
M. Fujiwara, Y. Shikano, R. Tsukahara, S. Shikata, and H. Hashimoto,
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- Orbital angular momentum conservation in Brillouin light scattering within a ferromagnetic
A. Osada, A. Gloppe, Y. Nakamura, and K. Usami,
New J. Phys. 20, 103018 (2018).
- Macromagnetic Simulation for Reservoir Computing Utilizing Spin Dynamics in Magnetic Tunnel
T. Furuta, K. Fujii, K. Nakajima, S. Tsunegi, H. Kubota, Y. Suzuki, and S. Miwa,
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- Quantum circuit learning
K. Mitarai, M. Negoro, M. Kitagawa, and K. Fujii,
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- Cavity enhancement of anti-Stokes scattering via optomechanical coupling with surface acoustic
A. Okada, F. Oguro, A. Noguchi, Y. Tabuchi, R. Yamazaki, K. Usami, and Y. Nakamura,
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- High-Threshold Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with Analog Quantum Error Correction
K. Fukui, A. Tomita, A. Okamoto, and K. Fujii,
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- Boltzmann sampling from the Ising model using quantum heating of coupled nonlinear oscillators
H. Goto, Z. R. Lin, and Y. Nakamura,
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- Impossibility of classically simulating one-clean-qubit model with multiplicative error
K. Fujii, H. Kobayashi, T. Morimae, H. Nishimura, S. Tamate, and S. Tani,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 200502 (2018).
- Finite-time quantum correlations of propagating squeezed microwaves
K. G. Fedorov, S. Pogorzalek, U. Las Heras, M. Sanz, P. Yard, P. Eder, M. Fischer, J. Goetz, E. Xie,
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- Quantum non-demolition detection of an itinerant microwave photon
S. Kono, K. Koshino, Y. Tabuchi, A. Noguchi, and Y. Nakamura,
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- Electro-mechano-optical NMR detection
K. Takeda, K. Nagasaka, A. Noguchi, R. Yamazaki, Y. Nakamura, E. Iwase, J. M. Taylor, and K. Usami,
Optica 5, 152 (2018).
- Brillouin Light Scattering by Magnetic Quasivortices in Cavity Optomagnonics
A. Osada, A. Gloppe, R. Hisatomi, A. Noguchi, R. Yamazaki, M. Nomura, Y. Nakamura,
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Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 133602 (2018).
- Information-to-work conversion by Maxwell's demon in a superconducting circuit-QED system
Y. Masuyama, K. Funo, Y. Murashita, A. Noguchi, S. Kono, Y. Tabuchi, R. Yamazaki, M. Ueda,
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Nature Commun. 9, 1291 (2018).
- Efficient Simulation of Quantum Error Correction Under Coherent Error Based on the Nonunitary
Free-Fermionic Formalism
Y. Suzuki, K. Fujii, and M. Koashi,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 190503 (2017).
- Qubit-assisted transduction for a detection of surface acoustic waves near the quantum limit
A. Noguchi, R. Yamazaki, Y. Tabuchi, and Y. Nakamura,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 180505 (2017).
Editors' Suggestion
- Verifiable fault-tolerance in measurement-based quantum computation
K. Fujii and M. Hayashi,
Phys. Rev. A 96, 030301 (2017).
- Nonclassical photon number distribution in a superconducting cavity under a squeezed drive
S. Kono, Y. Masuyama, T. Ishikawa, Y. Tabuchi, R. Yamazaki, K. Usami, K.Koshino, and Y. Nakamura,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 023602 (2017).
- Resolving quanta of collective spin excitations in a millimeter-sized ferromagnet
D. Lachance-Quirion, Y. Tabuchi, S. Ishino, A. Noguchi, T. Ishikawa, R.Yamazaki, and Y. Nakamura,
Sci. Adv. 3, e1603150 (2017).
- All-optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave dispersion
Y. Hashimoto, S. Daimon, R. Iguchi, Y. Oikawa, K. Shen, K. Sato, D. Bossini, Y. Tabuchi, T. Satoh,
B. Hillebrands, G. E.W. Bauer, T. H. Johansen, A. Kirilyuk,
T. Rasing, and E. Saitoh,
Commun. 8, 15859 (2017).
- Theory of deterministic entanglement generation between remote superconducting atoms
K. Koshino, K. Inomata, Z. R. Lin, Y. Tokunaga, T. Yamamoto, and Y. Nakamura,
Phys. Rev. Applied 7, 064006 (2017). Editors' Suggestion
- Power of one non-clean qubit
T. Morimae, K. Fujii, and H. Nishimura,
Phys. Rev. A 95, 042336 (2017).