Networked Exchange, United Strength for Stronger Partnerships between Japan and ASEAN (NEXUS)

Young Talents Exchange and Capacity Development Program

Young Talents Exchange and Capacity Development Program
The Networked Exchange, United Strength for Stronger Partnerships between Japan and ASEAN (NEXUS)


NEXUS (Networked Exchange, United Strength for Stronger Partnerships between Japan and ASEAN) is a flexible and multi-layered cooperative framework, leveraged by the long history of science and technology cooperation between both sides with the opportunity of the “50th anniversary of friendship and cooperation between Japan and ASEAN.” It is aimed to further strengthen the cooperative research relationship between Japan and ASEAN as partners in co-creating innovations in science and technology. The three schemes below are detailed approaches.

  • International Joint Research

    NEXUS supports international joint research in common priority challenges.

  • Researchers Exchange/Development

    NEXUS promotes the development of young international researchers through supporting personnel exchange. It aims to initiate international joint research and formulate a pool of research talent resources.

  • A Base

    NEXUS establishes a “base” (program office) to promote cooperation in science, technology, and innovation, including strengthening the systems and functions of existing research platforms.


The Young Talents Exchange
and Capacity Development Program (Y-tec)

The Young Talents Exchange and Capacity Development Program is a part of the Networked Exchange, United Strength for Stronger Partnerships between Japan and ASEAN (NEXUS). It is targeted for individuals generally under 40 years of age including high school and university students, researchers, instructors, and so on. By supporting mutual exchanges (sending and inviting) across all science and technology fields, including advanced fields, the program aims to enable the exchange and relationship building of young researchers between Japan and ASEAN. It will contribute to the activation of the international brain cycle and the development of the next generation of superlative researchers.

The Young Talents Exchange and Capacity Development Program (Y-tec)
  • JST
  • Sakura Science Exchange Program