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Attachment 1

The Selected Projects for the Japan-UK Research Cooperative Program
- FY 2014 Strategic International Research Cooperative Program (SICP) -

Project Title Japan based Principal Investigator (PI) Position and Institution Abstract of Research Project
The UK based Principal Investigator (PI)
Single molecule imaging of synaptic protein dynamics in neurodegeneration Akihiro Kusumi Professor,
Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences,
Kyoto University
This project aims at unraveling the mechanism by which synaptic structural plasticity is modulated in neurodegenerative diseases.
The Japanese group will apply their unique, ultrafast, simultaneous 3-color (3 molecular species), single-molecule tracking techniques developed by them, to analyze synapse formation in primary neurons derived from neurodegenerative-disease mouse models.
The UK group will prepare primary neurons from the mouse models, and will analyze the involvement of an RNA-binding protein in synapse deterioration.
Through this collaborative research, we hope to advance our understanding of the molecular mechanism for the loss of brain function in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer disease, and gain knowledge which might lead to new treatments.
Giovanna Mallucci Professor,
Programme Leader, Toxicology Unit,
Medical Research Council
Investigation of cortical memory circuits in normal and disease model mice using synaptic optogenetics Haruo Kasai Professor,
Structural Physiology,
The University of Tokyo
This project aims at unraveling the mechanism of synaptic plasticity deficits in Schizophrenia and Intellectual Disability.
The Japanese group will develop new optogenetic technologies such as photo/memory probes that can label and alter the spine synapses involved in memory formation.
The UK group will apply those technologies to disease mouse models to analyze their cortical memory circuits.
This collaboration is expected to apply “optogenetics” in a novel elucidation of brain function and the mechanisms of disease onset.
Kevin Fox Neuroscience,
Cardiff University

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