Proposal Papers for Policy Making and Governmental Action toward Low Carbon Society


Industrial Structure and Evaluation System towards Zero Carbon Society

  • SDGs7
  • SDGs9
  • SDGs13


 Center for Low Carbon Society Strategy(LCS) has quantitatively evaluated the industrial structure in 2030 and 2050 and clarified GDP, CO2 emissions, and electricity demand.

 The methodology first determined the specifications of main process equipment according to the process design method for renewable energy and low-carbon technology, and quantitatively evaluated changes in electricity generation costs or manufacturing costs using LCS’s proprietary cost and weight database. This is called a Quantitative Technology Scenario. Second, we calculated the power supply structure that minimizes the electricity cost by using LCS’s proprietary power supply structure calculation model that considers the system stability under the conditions of calculated electricity generation costs or manufacturing cost as well as the CO2 emission reduction rate of the power generation sector as a parameter. Third, we added renewable energy sectors to the input-output table, and created the extended input-output table and CO2 emission coefficient table using the Embodied Energy and Emission Intensity Data for Japan. GDP and CO2 emissions were calculated integrally by input-output analysis. This methodology is called the LCS Industrial Structure Evaluation System.
 This proposal intended to describe in detail the unique LCS Industrial Structure Evaluation System with many case studies including the example of the industrial structure modifications for a zero-carbon society in 2050. In accordance to these modifications in the industrial structure, we would like to mention the necessity of CCS/DAC technology and the importance of human resource development as well as the enhancement of education and research systems.

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