Proposal Papers for Policy Making and Governmental Action toward Low Carbon Society


PV power systems (Vol. 4):
PV Manufacturing Cost Reduction Factor Analysis Using Quantitative Technology Scenarios


 We have developed quantitative technology scenarios using original methodology and have presented roadmaps with cost and technology perspectives. As results, we have shown important research and development issues and PV (photovoltaics) power system cost of each solar cell by 2030.

 This paper evaluates the manufacturing cost reduction factors for a PV system achieved in recent years. First, it is seen that technological development has greatly accelerated system cost reduction. In order to further reduce costs, it is important to develop tandem technologies to improve efficiency. Secondly, by comparing the cost structure in 2012 and 2015, a reduction in manufacturing cost is observed due to improvement in manufacturing technology. Thirdly, by comparing with the PV cost analysis of 1991, this methodology is proven to be able to estimate future technical levels. This paper thus proposes the methodology of technology assessment using quantitative technology scenarios.

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