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Research Reports
Phase 1 (1期生) Phase 2 (2期生) Phase 3 (3期生)
Assembly of Nanometer-sized Organic Molecules
Hiroyuki Isobe
Development of high performance quantum cascade lasers operating at undeveloped spectral region from mid-infrared to terahertz
Keita Ootani
Exploration of oxide semiconductor quantum well structures towards light emitting and non-linear optical devices
Akira Ootomo
Novel quantum effect devices using heterojunctions of peapod carbon nanotubes
Yutaka Oono
Development of Microfluidic Chips for the Study of Bio/Nano-Solution Device
Yuzuru Takamura
Transport property and its control in nanometerscale molecular devices
Kazuhito Tsukagoshi
Development of novel dielectrics using 2-dimentional layer stack structure -Preparation of high dielectric constant capacitor having size-effect-free characteristics-
Hiroshi Funakubo
※「PhaseT」= 2001〜2004 researcher
※「PhaseU」= 2002〜2005 researcher
※「PhaseV」= 2003〜2006 researcher
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