独立行政法人科学技術振興機構 生命システムの動作原理と基盤技術
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生命システムの動作原理と基盤技術 CREST 第一期
生命システムの動作原理と基盤技術 CREST 第二期
上村チーム 影山チーム 黒田チーム 濱田チーム 森チーム

濱田チーム  研究成果

(25) 2011年 Takaoka, K., Yamamoto, M. and Hamada, H. (2011). Origin and role of distal visceral endoderm, a group of cells that determines anterior-posterior polarity of the mouse embryo.  Nat. Cell Biol. 2011 May 29 13(7) 743-52.
(24) 2011年Kawasumi, A., Nakamura, T., Iwai, N., Yashiro, K., Saijoh, Y., Belo, J.A., Shiratori, H. and Hamada, H. (2011). Left-right asymmetry in the level of active Nodal protein produced in the node is translated into the asymmetry in the lateral plate of mouse embryo. Dev Biol. in press. (DOI:10.1016/j/ydbio.2011.03.009)
(23) 2010年 Furtado, M.B., Biben, C., Shiratori, H., Hamada, H. and Harvey, R. P. (2010). Characterization of Pitx2c expression in the mouse heart using a reporter transgene. Dev. Dyn.240(1):195-203.
(22) 2010年 Floro, K.L., Artap, S.T., Preis, J.I., Sparrow, D.B., Fatkin, D., Chapman, G., Furtado, M.B., Harvey, R.P., Hamada, H. and Dunwoodie, S.L. (2010). Loss of Cited2 causes congenital heart defects by perturbing left-right patterning of the body axis. Human Mol. Genetics.20(6)1097-1110.
(21) 2010年 Bleyl, S.B., Saijoh. Y., Bax, N., Gittenberger-de Groot, A.C., Wisse, L.J., Chapman, S.C., Hunter, J., Shiratori, H., Hamada, H., Shiota, K., Klewer, S.E., Leppert, M.F., and Schoenwolf, G.C. (2010). Dysregulation of the PDGFRA gene causes inflow tract anomalies including TAPVR: Integrating evidence from human genetics and model organisms. Human Mol. Genetics. 19(7):1286-1301(epub. Jan. 13).
(20) 2009年 Hashimoto, M., Shinohara, K., Wang, J., Ikeuchi, S., Meno, C., Yoshiba, S., Takada S., Hatta, K., Wynshaw-Boris, T., and Hamada, H. (2010). Planar polarization of the nseisikibann ode cells determines the rotation axis of the node cilia. Nat Cell Biol. 12:170-176.
(19) 2009年 Nakazato K, Mochizuki A. Steepness of thermal gradient is essential to obtain a unified view of thermotaxis in C. elegans. J Theor Biol. 2009, 260(1):56-65
(18) 2009年 .Oki, S., Kitajima, K., Belo, J.A., Yokoyama, T., Hamada, H.* and Meno, C.* (2009). Reversal of left-right asymmetry by aberrant Nodal signaling in the node of mouse embryos in the mouse embryo. (*corresponding authors). Development, 136:3917-3925.
(17) 2009年 Uehara, M., Yashiro, K., Takaoka, K., Yamamoto M., and Hamada, H. (2009). Removal of maternal retinoic acid by embryonic CYP26 for correct Nodal regulation during early embryonic patterning. Genes & Dev. 23:1689-1698
(16) 2009年3月23-25日招待講演: "The origin of body axes in the mouse embryo" 2009 神戸 CDB Symposium on Sharpe and Polarity.
(15) 2009年1月12-13日招待講演: "The origin of body axes in the mouse embryo" 7th TLL Symposium, Singapore.
(14) 2009年 Yamamoto M., Beppu, X., Takaoka, K., Meno, C., Li, E., Miyazono, K., and Hamada, H. (2009). Antagonism between Smad1 and Smad2 signaling regulates formation of the distal visceral endoderm in the mouse embryo. J. Cell Biol. Jan 26;184(2):323-34. Epub 2009 Jan 19.
(13) 2008年11月17-21日招待講演:"Long-range transfer of Nodal signal within the mouse embryo" 2008.11.17-11.21. Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology. Gradient and Signaling : from chemotaxis to development.
(12) 2007年10月29日-11月2日招待講演:"The origin of body axes in the mouse embryo" Cold Spring Harbor, USA. Mouse Genetics & Genomics: Development and Diseases.
(11) 2008年9月13-17日招待講演:"The origin of body axes in the mouse embryo" (plenary) Giens, France. Frontiers in Developmental Biology.
(10) 2008年Shiba, D., Yamaoka, Y., Hagiwara, H., Takamatsu, T., Hamada, H., and Yokoyama, T. (2008). Localization of the Inv protein in a distinctive intra-ciliary compartment requires the C-terminal ninein-homolog containing region. J. Cell. Sci. 122:44-54.
(9) 2007年10月1-3日Workshop on regulation of pluripotency during life cycle. Baeza, Spainにて"The origin of body axes in the mouse embryo"の招待講演を行った。
(8) 2007年7月14-19日FASEB summer research conference on “TGF? superfamily: signaling and development”, Tucson, Arizona, USA.にて"Regulation of Nodal signaling range in the mouse embryo"の招待講演を行った。
(7) 2007年Sugimura K, Shimono K, Uemura T, Mochizuki A. (2007)." Self-organizing mechanism for development of space-filling neuronal dendrites." PLoS Comput Biol. 3(11):e212.
(6) 2007年Tanaka, C., Sakuma, R., Nakamura, T., Hamada, H.*, and Saijoh, Y. (2007). Long-range action of Nodal requires interaction with GDF1. (*corresponding author). Genes & Dev 21:3272-3282.
(5) 2007年Oki, S., Hashimoto, R., Otani, H., Shen, M., Saijoh, Y., and Hamada, H. (2007). "Sulfated glycosaminoglycan is necessary for Nodal signal transmission from the node to the left lateral plate in the mouse left-right patterning." Development,134:3893-3904.
(4) 2007年Prall, OW, Menon, MK., Solloway, MJ., Zaffran, S., Bajolle, F., Watanabe, Y., Biben, C., McBride, JJ., Robertson, BR., Chaulet, H., Stennard, FA.,Wise, N., Shiratori,H., Hamada,H., Black,BL., Saga,Y., Robertson, EJ., Buckingham, ME., Harvey , RP.(2007). Nkx2-5-dependent negative feedback loop affecting Bmp2/Smad1 balances cardiac progenitor cell specification and proliferation and is a molecular target in congenital heart disease. Cell 128:947-959.
(3) 2007年11月6日文科省にて大阪大学と共に新聞発表を行った。Kenta Yashiro,Hidetaka Shiratori and Hiroshi Hamada "Haemodynamics determined by the genetic programme goven asymmetric development of the aortic arch" Nature, 450:285-288.(2007).
(2) 2007年Takeuchi, J.K., Lickert, H., Bisgrove, B., Yamamoto, M., Chawengsaksophak, K., Hamada, H., Yost, J., Rossant, J., and Bruneau (2007). Integration of Notch signaling at the node by Baf60c initiates the left-right asymmetry cascade. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 104:846-851.
(1) 2006年Nakamura, T., Mine , N., Nakaguchi, E., Mochizuki, A., Yamamoto, M., Yashiro, K., Meno, C., Hamada, H. (2006). Generation of robust left-right asymmetry in the mouse embryo requires a self enhancement lateral inhibition system. Dev Cell. 11:495-504.