[Important] About alternative application method for CREST research proposals

7th June, 2022

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by slowness or any difficulty of the e-Rad system. We would like to inform the alternative application method for just in case that it is difficult to complete the application submission through the e-Rad.

[Deadline for alternative applications]

7th June (Tuesday) 14:00 * Deadline
* Near the application deadline time, increasing access number will give heavy loads to the system, and could cause trouble such as trouble with uploading, which may cause the application deadline to be missed. Please give yourself enough time to complete submission of proposal.
* JST will NOT accept proposals, which the application process have not been completed in the e-Rad system by deadline for any reason. Please also note that we will NOT be able to accept the replacement of proposals after the application deadline.

[Alternative application method]

  1. Please prepare the required documents in one zip file which includes "(1) Research Proposal (PDF format)", "(2) Research project inquiry sheet (fill in necessary items in the Excel file downloaded from the link)", “Other required documents (CREST) -ANR Japan-France joint proposal abstract)" in one zip file. The zip file name should be "e-rad researcher number_name.zip" (ex: xxxxxxxx_TaroGijyutsu.zip) in half-width alphanumerical characters.
  2. Please upload the zip file to the following URL. You will not receive the notification when the upload is complete. Please also note that we cannot answer individual inquiries regarding the submission status. The screen below is displayed when the upload is complete.

    PrimeDrive URL : https://primedrive.jst.go.jp/v2/sendback?key=toruXb2YLxaHnmQgA_STQA
    * The upload password is "jst".

[Notes (Please be sure to read.)]

  • Alternative application is limited to cases where it is difficult to submit through the e-Rad. Please refrain from duplicate application submission both through e-Rad and PrimeDrive.
  • In the case of alternative application, research proposal must be prepared by the application deadline (12:00 noon, June 7).
  • Please note that if there are defects in the files that make it difficult to review, it may not be accepted.
  • Please submit the zip file by e-mail to rp-info [at] jst.go.jp only if you cannot access the PrimeDrive URL.