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三年型 武藤 太郎(大挑戦型) 北畠 康司 高島 康弘 伊達 英俊
堀田 秋津 八木田 和弘 渡邉 朋信  
五年型 下島 圭子 竹内 純    

堀田 秋津 研究成果

Eden Fussner, Ugljesa Djuric, Mike Strauss, Akitsu Hotta, Carolina Perez-Iratxeta, Fredrik Lanner, F Jeffrey Dilworth, James Ellis and David P Bazett-Jones: 「Constitutive heterochromatin reorganization during somatic cell reprogramming」
 The EMBO Journal, 2011 Vol.30 (9): p1778-1789.

堀田秋津: 「iPS細胞の小分子制御]
 学術の動向、2011年5月号 2011, 5/10

Taisuke Kinoshita, Go Nagamatsu, Takeo Kosaka, Keiyo Takubo, Akitsu Hotta, James Ellis and Toshio Suda: 「Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) deficiency decreases reprogramming efficiency and leads to genomic instability in iPS cells.」
 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2011 [online publication] 2011, 3/5

Aaron Y. L. Cheung, Lindsay M. Horvath, Daria Grafodatskaya, Peter Pasceri, Rosanna Weksberg, Akitsu Hotta, Laura Carrel, and James Ellis: 「Isolation of MECP2-null Rett Syndrome patient hiPS cells and isogenic controls through X-chromosome inactivation」
 Human Molecular Genetics, 2011 [online publication] 2011, 3/3

Steven J. Kattman, Alec D. Witty, Mark Gagliardi, Nicole C. Dubois, Maryam Niapour, Akitsu Hotta, James Ellis, Gordon Keller: 「Stage-Specific Optimization of Activin/Nodal and BMP Signaling Promotes Cardiac Differentiation of Mouse and Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines」
 Cell Stem Cell, Volume 8, Issue 2, 228-240

Akitsu Hotta: 「iPS cell reprogramming and chromatin architecture: How to distinguish high-quality iPS cells?」
 Stem Cells and Biomaterials Symposium, University of Tampere, Finland. 2010, 11/19

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