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三年型 李 知英 片岡 宏 栗崎 晃 佐藤 伸
永松 剛 堀江 恭二 本多 新 渡部 徹郎
五年型 依馬 正次 房木 ノエミ 大日向 康秀(大挑戦型)  

永松 剛 研究成果

Nagamatsu G, Kosaka T, Saito S, Takubo K, Akiyama H, Sudo T, Horimoto K, Oya M & Suda T.: 「Tracing the conversion process for primordial germ cells to pluripotent stem cells in mice.」
 Biology of Reproduction 2012 Mar 14 Epub ahead of print

Nagamatsu G, Kosaka T, Takubo K, Oya M, Suda T.: 「Conversion of primordial germ cells to pluripotent stem cells and germline stem cells」
 Cold Spring Harbor Asia - Developmental Control of Sex, Growth and Cellular Fate- Oct11-15 2011 Suzhou (China)

Nagamatsu G: 「Conversion of primordial germ cells to pluripotent stem cells and germline stem cells」
 Third Symposium on Systems and Synthetic Biology (TriSys 2011) Dec 9-11 2011Suzhou (China)

永松剛・小坂威雄・田久保圭誉・大家基嗣・須田年生: 「始原生殖細胞からの多能性幹細胞分化」
 第10回 日本再生医療学会総会2011/3/2

Kinoshita T, Nagamatsu G, Kosaka T, Takubo K, Hotta A, Ellis J, Suda T.: 「Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) deficiency decreases reprogramming efficiency and leads to genomic instability in iPS cells.」
 Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2011 Mar 5 Epub ahead of print

Nagamatsu G, Kosaka T, Kawasumi M, Kinoshita T, Takubo K, Akiyama H, Sudo T, Kobayashi T, Oya M, Suda T.: 「A germ cell specific gene, Prmt5 works as somatic cell reprogramming」
 J Biol Chem. 2011 Jan 26 Epub ahead of print

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