■ Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Relation
■ State and the relation of government
■ Learned society&Association
- Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
- Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan (IEICE)
- The Japanese Society for Artificial Inteligence (JSAI)
- Human Interface Society (HIS)
- Information and Television Engineers (ITE)
- Japanese Psychological Association
- Japanese Cognitive Sciences Society (JCSS)
- Japan Ergonomics Society (JES)
- Japan Society of Image Arts and Sciences (JASIAS)
- Virtual Reality Society of Japan(VRSJ)
- Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers(JSME)
- Robotics Society of Japan(RSJ)
- Natural Language processing Society(NLP)
- Society of Instrument and Control Engineers(SICE)
- Japan Neuroscience Society(JNS)
- Vision Society of Japan