Based on the East Asia Science and Innovation Area proposed by the Japanese Government in October 2010, JST (President NAKAMURA Michiharu) has formally inaugurated the Joint Research Program (e-ASIA JRP) , which is supposed to be conducted among the member countriesof the East Asia Summit.*1
The ‘East Asia Science and Innovation Area’, through acceleration of research exchange in the fields of science and technology, is intended for the purpose of strengthening research and development capabilities in the East Asian region, together with the resolution of challenges shared among East Asian countries in areas such as the environment, natural disaster prevention and infectious disease.
As a part of this objective, the goal of the Joint Research Program is to support collaborative research implemented among 3 or more of the member countries. Through the implementation of joint research among participating countries in agreed areas, the e-ASIA JRP is intended to contribute to economic development, development of human resources as well as the resolution of various challenges in the region.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), JST held two forums in 2011: in Singapore in July and in Tokyo in October, as preparatory meetings for the development of this program. As a result of these consultations regarding expected participant organizations and the inauguration of this program, at the first Annual Board Meeting held on Thursday 28th of June 2012 in Singapore, the resolution was made to formally launch the e-ASIA JRP program.
The founding members*2 are made up of 9 institutions from 8 countries: Indonesia’s Ministry of Research and Technology (RISTEK), Thailand’s National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), the Philippines’ Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Vietnam’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Malaysia’s Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Myanmar’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Laos’ Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), Laos’ Ministry of Health (MOH) and Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) will take on the working responsibilities from MEXT and fulfill the obligations of participating organization.
Prior to this inauguration and in cooperation with Thailand’s NSTDA and Vietnam’s MOST, JST held a joint call for proposals in May this year in the fields of ‘Nanotechnology and Materials’ and ‘Biomass and Plant Sciences’. In the future, JST will continue to carry out joint calls for proposals with each participating organization to promote cooperation in science and technology throughout East Asia.
- *1 East Asia Summit member countries:
- The 10 ASEAN member countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia), Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, India, the USA and Russia (the USA and Russia participated in 2011).
- *2 Founding members:
- Although it was necessary for a founding member to submit a LoI by the time the Program was inaugurated, RISTEK, DOST and MOSTI are still under internal procedure for such LoIs.
Japan Science and Technology Agency, Department of International Affairs
K’s Gobancho, 7, Gobancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0076
Yumiko MIYASHITA (Ms.), Emi KANEKO (Ms.), Dr. Takeshi USAMI
Tel: +81-3-5214-7375 Fax: +81-3-5214-7379