Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) announced the selection of new projects for the Fisical Year 2009 Sicence and Technology (S&T) Research Partnership for Sustainable Development.
S & T Research Partnership for Sustainable Development intends to promote international joint research through collaborating Japan’s advanced S&T and Official Development Assistance (ODA), as a symbol of promoting Science and Technology Diplomacy. It is conducted in collaboration between JST and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). This program, based on the needs of developing countries, entails promotion of international joint research targeting global issues and envisaging future adoptation of research outcomes into the society. Such international joint research will not only acquire new scientific knowledge leading to resolution of global issues but also address the research and development capacity, contributing to the sustained research activities in developing countries.
For the FY2009, JST called for proposals from researchers in Japan in the three research areas; Environment/Energy, Natural Disaster Prevention and Infectious Diseases Control, and received 147 proposals for review. Through peer-review, 21 new projects (10 projects with Asian, six with African and five with other countries) were provisionally selected*.
*Please note that, for each of these provisionally selected projects, a “Record of Discussions (R/D)” must be signed to confirm agreement between the counterpart(s) and JICA on the details of implementation of the technical cooperation project before implementing the international joint research. Based on the discussions with the counterpart(s), research project title and research term might be modified or the project itself might be terminated.