1. Aims of the Project
The EIG CONCERT-Japan aims to promote effective and coordinated science and technology cooperation between European countries and Japan with a view to further expanding and harmonizing already existing cooperation between them.
2. Field of collaboration
The research field of “Efficient Energy Storage and Distribution”
3. Prospective Applicants
In order to apply, researchers had to form consortia made up of partners from Japan and at least 2 European countries. The research leaders were required to possess adequate insight and/or experience to effectively implement the proposed joint research over the course of the support period.
4. Period of Research
Three years
5. Amount of Funding
18 million yen from JST to the Japanese researchers per project, over a period of three years, inclusive of overhead costs
6. Evaluation Process
Proposals were subjected to evaluation by online peer review and an evaluation committee made up of members elected by the participating funding agencies. The participating funding agencies then met to decide on project selection, which was based on discussion of the results of that comprehensive evaluation.
7. Evaluation Criteria
Scientific excellence
- Sound research concept and quality of objectives
- Ambition, innovative potential and uniqueness of the research idea
- Scientific track–record, potential of the partners (including publications in scientific journals)
- Scientific standing of the organisations the applicants belong to
Impact of project results
- Impact of the project on the scientific field, community
- Contribution to enhancing innovation capacity and integration of new knowledge
- Expected exploitation and dissemination of the results
- Added value of the multilateral project consortium
- Quality and effectiveness of the methodology
- Feasibility of the work plan (in relation to governance, adequate budget, resources, time schedule)
- Collaborative interaction and complementarity of project partners
- Expected sustainability of the collaboration
- Interdisciplinarity
- Involvement of early-stage researchers and gender balance