Proposal Papers for Policy Making and Governmental Action toward Low Carbon Society


Changes of Industrial Structure towards Zero Carbon Society: Application of Extended Input-output Table

  • SDGs7
  • SDGs9
  • SDGs13


 Many changes will occur in a zero-carbon society, such as the introduction of renewable energy and the widespread of electric vehicles. Utilizing the evaluation results of renewable energy conducted by Center for Low Carbon Society Strategy, the method was developed to quantitatively analyze the impact of these changes on the economy and environment through input-output analysis.

 First, the extended input-output table was created by adding renewable energy to the published input-output table, and a CO2 emission factor table was created by associating CO2 emissions by industrial sector with the extended input-output table. Next, the input-output analysis was conducted by giving changes including the results of the zero-carbon power supply system based on the power generation cost and the materials of renewable energy evaluated by Center for Low Carbon Society Strategy. From the results, Gross Domestic Product GDP and CO2 emissions were calculated.
 The calculation result was obtained in which both GDP growth and 80% reduction of CO2 emission were compatible by this method. It is possible to show a scenario of realizing a bright zero-carbon society by conducting input-output analysis with various changes.

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