Proposal Papers for Policy Making and Governmental Action toward Low Carbon Society


Materials Research with Data-Utilization toward Implementation of Low-Carbon Society (Vol. 2)


 We tried to grasp the structure of data-space used in research and development of materials for technologies as enablers to establish low-carbon society.

 The data-space could be pictured with three main axes, (a)“Applications” of Materials Properties, (b)“ Materials Properties” to be controlled, and (c)“ Dominant factors” of Materials Properties, and is able to describe relations among various kinds of data concerning about structural materials as well as functional materials in the same manner. (c)“ Dominant factors” of Materials Properties are highly common keywords widely connected to (a) through (b), so that it indicates a potential to find out unexpected knowledge by analyzing correlation between (a) and (c) using informatics methods, if we could achieve accumulation and integration of data regarding (c). In order to find out such knowledge effectively, it is urgently necessary to establish general and common description scheme for (b).

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