Proposal Papers for Policy Making and Governmental Action toward Low Carbon Society


Potential Regional PV System Installation with Consideration of Technology Development


 It is necessary to install more renewable energy for the achievement of sustainable low-carbon society. Japan instituted a feed-in tariff scheme for renewable energies in July 2012 and it has been contributing to make rapid progress of installing renewables like, especially, PV power. On the other hand, some renewable power companies are getting to face difficulties with connecting their renewable energies to the power grid systems.

 In this proposal, we analyzed the current state and future potential of regional capacity of the PV power systems with the assumption of technology development. We showed PV potential in 2030 across the country by increasing the efficiency of solar cell module. In addition, it shows there is a big gap between regional PV potentials against the minimum daytime demands - Tohoku area and Kyushu area, for instance.
 LCS proposed a future perspective with quantitative technology scenarios based on detailed consideration of PV power system technologies. This proposal will be a basis for developing long-term scenarios and strategies to install more regional PV systems.

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