Japan Science and Technology Agency
RNA and Biofunctions
PRESTO, Basic Research Programs
Researchers & Study Theme

2008 Researchers          Research Term: 2008-2012.3

Regulation of plant genome dynamics by small RNAs
Yutaka Sato
Research Site : Associate Professor, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University


Transposons are a major component of eukaryotic genome. The activity of transposons often induces harmful mutations to host genome, therefore, it is controlled by host's silencing machinery. On the other hand, transposons could contribute to host adaptation through the creation of diversity in host's genome. In this research project, I will analyze the mechanism governing the balance of transposon activity through the action of small RNA. The goal of this research is to elucidate its role in the evolution of genome and the dynamics of genome.


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