Japan Science and Technology Agency
RNA and Biofunctions
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TOP > Researchers & Study Theme > Toshinobu Fujiwara
Researchers & Study Theme

2006 Researchers          Research Term: 2006-2010.3

Elucidation of a linkage between cell cycle control and regulation of ribosome biosysnthesis.
Toshinobu Fujiwara
Research Site : Chief Researcher, Laboratory of Disease Biology, Institute of Microbial Chemistry, Microbial Chemistry Research Foundation


Stable supply of ribosomes is essential for cellular proliferation, development and differentiation. It is obvious that there is an active ribosome biosynthesis regulatory system, which is interlocked with both intra- and extra-cellular conditions. However, the sensor for cellular conditions still be remained.
This project is aiming for elucidation of regulatory system for ribosome biosynthesis in response to cell cycle and isolation of sensor factors based on the functional analyses of regulations for rRNA production.


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