Phase I 2000-2003


Yukio Ohsawa Kazuhiko Kato Shigeru Kitazawa Yasuharu Koike Shigeo Sato Rieko Takaya
Kumiyo Nakakoji Katsuki Nakamura Kazuo Hiraki Taro Maeda Masahito Yamamoto Tetsuya Yomo
Shigeru Kitazawa Shigeru Kitazawa
Research site : Professor, Juntendo University
Theme Cooperative Reconstruction of Temporal Order in the Brain

Temporal order of successive events can easily be lost in the brain, because these signals are processed through many loops without any quartz clock. Where and how in the brain is the temporal order represented and preserved? I will test a new hypothesis (motion projection hypothesis) that the temporal order of two successive events is reconstructed in the brain through cooperation of two distinct areas: one representing movements (differences) between two successive signals, and the other representing the two events themselves.

Cooperative Reconstruction of Temporal Order in the Brain

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