Strategic International Collaborative Research Program (SICORP)
Information on Japanese-German Joint Call
Application Form revised
(Last update : November 16, 2017)
The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), in order to promote international research interaction and exchange among researchers in Japan and Germany, are jointly accepting proposals for Japanese-German collaborative research projects in the field of “Optics and Photonics”.
Research Field
" Optics and Photonics "
The following research subtopics are targeted:
- Optical metrology and sensing
- Organic electronics
- Photonics in manufacturing
- Optical components and systems
- Lighting
Eligible for funding are consortia composed of at least four partners (“2+2”), two of them on the Japanese side and two on the German side. For each country, these consortia should include at least one university or research institution and one company.
Details of Support
Research networking and exchange projects selected for funding in this call will receive support for a period of 3 years totaling no more than approximately 54,000,000 JPY including direct and indirect costs. Full details of support can be found in the Japanese guidance information below and in the Call Document.
Period of the Call for Proposals
Friday 1st September 2017 until Thursday 30th November 2017, 17:00 (Japan time)
Friday 1st September 2017 until Thursday 30th November 2017, 17:00 (Germany time)
Application Procedure
- The joint proposal and Japanese application information should be submitted electronically via the Cross-Ministerial R&D Management System (e-Rad).
- An e-Rad guidance for applicants (in Japanese) is available: 「e-Radによる応募方法」
- For further application instructions and guidance, please refer to the following information (available only in Japanese): 「日本側応募者への応募にあたっての注意事項」
- The call documents and guidance can be downloaded from below.
Document/Form Links Call Document PDF(297KB) 参画企業による費用負担・リソース提供について(only for Japanese side) PDF(238KB) Application instructions and guidance(日本側応募者への応募にあたっての注意事項) PDF(618KB) Application Form(revised) Word(145KB) e-Rad guidance PDF(2,942KB)
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Department of International Affairs
Dr. Takehito Higuchi, Mr. Soichi Kubota
TEL: +81-3-5214-7375 FAX:+81-3-5214-7379
Copyright © 2017 Japan Science and Technology Agency All rights reserved.