Japan is one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world. A large-scale earthquake is predicted to occur directly beneath the Tokyo metropolitan area in the near future, and there is an urgent need for measures to reduce the risk. Although the usefulness of robots in a disaster was recognized during the Great East Japan Earthquake, robots that can actually be used in unknown extreme environments where the situation is always changing are still a work in progress. The goal of this program is to develop essential technologies for remote autonomous robots that are tough and can function without faltering even in an extreme disaster conditions. At the same time, this research provides key fundamental technologies for outdoor service robots for establishing foundation of the future advanced outdoor robot services.
Keys of the implementation structure
- Integrate five types of robot body developed in the platform project with the hardware developed in the component project and the software and sensing technologies developed in the intelligence project. They are evaluated in the field testing, evaluation and safety project, seeking to match the research fruits with users and business operators.
Approach to selection of researchers and institutions
- Invitations for participation have been sent to top-class research organizations in Japan that are most likely to deliver R&D results in each technology field. Additionally, nascent technologies will be gathered through public calls and from overseas. Enthusiastic businesses will commercialize the output.
The Cabinet Office
ImPACT: Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program
ImPACT Program Manager
Satoshi Tadokoro
Associate Program Manager
Toyohito Uchizono