Tuesday 21 May, 2019
Target audience: Researchers, developers and practitioners in
the automotive and related sectors
Speakers: Krzysztof Czarnecki (U. Waterloo, in English),Ichiro
Hasuo, Fuyuki Ishikawa (NII, in Japanese)
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external site.
For seminars and colloquia, please see the external site.
Paolo Arcaini (group 3 leader) has been awarded Distinguished paper award at SSBSE 2021 for a co-authored contribution. For detail, see this webpage.
Paolo Arcaini has been awarded Best Paper Award at SSBSE 2020 for a co-authored contribution. For detail, see this webpage.
Paolo Arcaini has been awarded Best Paper Award (Testing AI System) at AITest 2020 for a co-authored contribution. For detail, see this webpage.
Xiaoyi Zhang, Paolo Arcaini and Fuyuki Ishikawa have been awarded Best Paper Award at ICECCS 2019 for the following contribution.
Xiaoyi Zhang, Paolo Arcaini, Fuyuki Ishikawa. Assessing the Relation Between Hazards and Variability in Automotive Systems. International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2019), pp.190-199, 2019
Mr. Masaki Waga has been awarded Oded Maler Award for the best paper at FORMATS 2019 – the 17th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems – for the following contribution of his.
Waga M. (2019) Online Quantitative Timed Pattern Matching with Semiring-Valued Weighted Automata. In: André É., Stoelinga M. (eds) Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems. FORMATS 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11750. Springer, Cham.
Mr. Masaki Waga is a PhD student at SOKENDAI/NII, a JSPS Research Fellow (DC), and a research assistant at ERATO MMSD (Group 3). (2020/11/24: Correction of duplicated entries)
Dr. Jérémy Dubut has been awarded Best Theory Paper Award at ETAPS 2019 – European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software – for the following contribution of his. Dr. Jérémy Dubut is a project researcher at ERATO MMSD (Group 0).
Jérémy Dubut. Trees in Partial Higher Dimensional Automata. 22nd International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS 2019).
Étienne André (Université de Paris 13/JFLI, CNRS-NII), Ichiro Hasuo project leader and Masaki Waga (Sokendai) have been awarded Best Paper Award at ICECCS 2018 for the following contribution.
Étienne André, Ichiro Hasuo and Masaki Waga. Offline Timed Pattern Matching under Uncertainty. International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2018).
We displayed posters about our research in NII Open House (Japanese) (31 May-1 Jun, 2019). Our project members Ichiro Hasuo, Fuyuki Ishikawa and Kohei Suenaga gave lectures in the seminar on industry-government-academia collaboration.
ERATO members from Osaka, Kyoto and Kyushu gathered at Tokyo site on 18th Mar, 2019. We held a two-day workshop and exchanged research ideas across groups.
We held Project Camp 2017 from 19th to 21th September, 2018 at Laforet Hakone, Kanagawa prefecture.
ERATO members from Osaka, Kyoto and Kyushu gathered at Tokyo site on 08th Mar, 2018. We held a two-day workshop and exchanged research ideas across groups.
We gave oral presentations and posters about our research at informatics winter festa episode3 (25-26 Dec, 2017).
ERATO MMSD Project is featured in NII Today No. 77
We held Project Camp 2017 from 25th to 27th September, 2017 at Laforet Nasu, Tochigi prefecture.
Poster session
ERATO members from Osaka and Kyoto gathered at Tokyo site on 27th Jul, 2017. We held a two-day workshop and exchanged research ideas across groups.
We held the kick-off ceremony and an academic workshop on the project on 15th Jun, 2017 at NII.
A snapshot of the kickoff ceremony
A snapshot of the academic workshop
We displayed two posters about our research in NII Open House (Japanese) (9-10 Jun, 2017).