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Collision of particle patterns in dissipative systems

Collision of particle patterns in dissipative systems

Particle patterns mean any spatially localized structures sustained by the balance between inflow and outflow of energy/material which arise in the form of chemical blob, discharge pattern, morphological spot, and binary convection cell. These are modeled by typically three-component reaction diffusion systems or a couple of complex GL equations with concentration field. Strong interaction such as collision among particle patterns is a big challenge, since dissipative systems do not have many conservative quantities. Unlike weak-interaction through tails of those objects, there are so far no systematic methods to handle them because of large deformation of patterns during the collision process. We present a new approach to clarify a backbone structure behind the complicated transient collision process. A key ingredient lies in a hidden network of unstable solutions called scattors which play a a crucial role to understand the input-output relation for collision process (namely the relation of two dynamics before and after collision). More precisely, the associated network of scattors via heteroclinic connections forms a backbone for the whole collisional dynamics. It should be noted that collision dynamics for traveling breathers depends the phase differnce of those waves (see [3]). The viewpoint of scattor network seems quite useful for a large class of model systems arising in gas-discharge phenomena, chemical blobs, and binary fluid convection.

Relevant reference from our group:

[1] Y. Nishiura, T. Teramoto and K.-I. Ueda: "Scattering and separators in dissipative systems", Phys. Rev. E, 67: 056210 (2003)

[2] Y. Nishiura, T. Teramoto and K.-I. Ueda: "Dynamic transitions through scattors in dissipative systems", Chaos, 13(3): 962-972 (2003)

[3] T. Teramoto, K.-I. Ueda and Y. Nishiura: "Phase-dependent output of scattering process for traveling breathers", Phys. Rev. E, 69(4): 056224 (2004)

[4] Y. Nishiura, T. Teramoto and K.-I. Ueda: "Scattering of traveling spots in dissipative systems",
Chaos, 15: 047509-047519 (2005)

[5] T. Teramoto, K.-I. Ueda and Y. Nishiura
Breathing Scattors in Dissipative Systems, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.161(2006)pp364-pp367.

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